This is a prototype of a web site/server (was hosted under until Heroku stopped its free tier) which
- serves selected 'prediction models'* to a general audience
- presents the models within a specific topic (use case), providing additional information and context
It is named authenticity-portal to indicate one possible field of application: A platform where one can upload some (measurement) data of a food to verify/predict certain properties, like authenticity of the geographical organic. The prediction models are curated and validated by trusted institutions.
(*note that in my terminology, prediction models include classification)
The portal is designed to accomodate two different work flows (and user types):
The general user uses validated models to obtain information about their dataset. For example:
- a quantitative prediction, like the nutrient content of a sample
- a classification, like the authenticity of a sample (likelihood of class member ship) This user typically has limited access, the main interaction with the portal being:
- access details/information about the selected topics and the available models
- request a prediction by feeding a data file to one of the hosted models
The data manager or scientist curates the validated models. This involves
- upload of measurment data
- generation of models
- training of models on selæected measurements
- validation/staging a model for use by general users This user typically has advanced access to the site. which might include access to the backing data.
This is my first web site, where I focussed mainly on the web server part and much less on the frontend.
One highlight is the custom port of the Simca model from R (mdatools) to python, thereby providing an interesting use case that goes beyond usual calssification models.
- Backend / web server framework: django (python)
- Frontend framework: Bootstrap 5.0
- Configured for deplyment on the heroku platform
The subfolder portalsite
is setup for deployment to heroku (with a Postgres db), for example by the git command
git subtree push --prefix portalsite heroku main
and contains therefore i.p. the files
- requirements.txt
- runtime.txt
- Procfile
Note that the target environment is expected to provide the variables 'DATABASE_URL', 'DJANGO_DEBUG' and 'DJANGO_SECRET_KEY'. And if required, a superuser should be created after intial deployment, see heroku and django docs for details.
The database can be seeded via heroku CLI with the command
heroku run python loaddata portal/fixtures/initial_seed_data.json
This will create iris-example data with two models (trained on Setosa) as well as two users
- 'generic_test_user', password 'GENER1C!' with only basic rights
- 'scientist_test_user', password 'SC1ENCE!' with rights to all portal objects and selected administration privileges