Raspberry PI Energi Meter Monitor (RPI-EEM). This solution enables you to connect you Raspberry pi to the S0 port of a power meter or an light sensor on the blinking LED to monitor the power use at some site.
Install mosquitto mqtt broaker.
sudo apt-get install mosquitto
sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients
If you want to be able to view messages on it with (>mosquitto_sub -t "#" -v)
Download the
EnergyMeterPulsReaderMQTT.py and install-startup-script
to your RPI
do a
sudo bash install-startup-script
then change the path in /ect/init.d/eem to wherever you put the EnergyMeterPulsReaderMQTT.py with
sudo pico /ect/init.d/eem
do a
sudo service eem start
and view the pulses with
mosquitto_sub -t "#" -v
To use the data you can now install tools like nodered, influxdb and grafana see: op-en.se for more info.
I might do a better installation script for this in the future.
The script will two kinds of events one with the pulses and their lenght and one with a filtered value (i.e. ignoring pulselenghts that are odd). You can change the filer value in the script.