0.1.0 (2023-11-14)
✨ Features
- ✨ add minimal example on playground (d76cc46)
- ✨ create excalidraw board component (647f6c7)
- ✨ define module (2344782)
- 🎉 init (5b584b8)
⚙️ Chore
- 🔥 remove inexisting config on nuxt.config playground (6d28e07)
- ➕ add dependencies and configure package.json (699b359)
- 📌 pin node version on nvm (6cd5133)
- 🧑💻 configure eslint (96fe24d)
- 🧑💻 define vscode settings and extensions (6f43ce7)
- 🧑💻 prettier ignore all (86f5d14)
- 🔧 configure command for release (201e254)
- 🔧 configure release-it (75c2506)
🧪 Test
- 🔥 remove standard tests (18ea3ae)