Analysis of data streams using expressive and flexible Bayesian networks
This is the repository for the open source code in the AMIDST project.
Install Java 8 and IntelliJ:
In IntelliJ open the maven project by pointint at the pom file. Also you need to point to the Java 8 installation and you are ready to rock.
1- Install Maven: http://maven.apache.org/download.cgi (Download binaries and copy to Applications folder)
2- Modify the file maven_startup.sh (which you can find in the root project folder) and fix the path of your maven (Line 5) and java installation (Line 9).
3- Create (or modify if already exists) a file ".profile" or ".bash_profile" in you home directory and add the following line, which points to file "maven_startup.sh"
source <project-folder>/maven_startup.sh
Now after restarting the terminal, mvn should work.
4- The script "compile.sh" (which you can find in the root project folder) just compiles the whole project.
5- The script "run.sh" (which you can find in the root project folder) should be used to run some class. For example,
./run.sh eu.amidst.core.examples.learning.ParallelMaximumLikelihoodExample