foam v0.5-beta
foam v0.5-beta
Wow, finally all major features are working and foam is very usable but bugs still exist!
Several quality of life, bug fixes and features.
- Added queue reordering by dragging songs up and down the queue list.
- Fixed the current play pointer listing the wrong song when a track was removed from the queue.
- Fixed the play/pause toggle for when queue finishes playing and pointer should revert to the first track.
- Fixed the on_end event when track finishes playing to clean up and correctly assign new pointer.
- Fixed queue reordering needed adjusting depending if you drag up or down the queue.
- Fixed playlist listeners clashing ids when there are many playlists to build into menu.
- Fixed next and prev buttons not correctly referencing the pointer and queue using parent.
- Fixed the highlighting colour on input fields when they are in focus.
- Optimised some of the event listeners in player.js
See for a summary of what is working and what is not working.
Beta releases will complete styling, design and performance as well as bug squashing.
Full stable release will follow beta with v1.0.