foam v0.4-alpha
foam v0.4-alpha
Pre-production alpha release. Nearly all features are working and foam is quite usable but bugs still exist!
Several quality of life, bug fixes and features.
- Added trashcan icon when hovering over queue song to remove track from queue.
- Added track seeking through song by moving track slider.
- Added 2 new theme variations based on Ampache colour schemes.
- Fixed remaining elements that did not honour the set theme colours.
- Fixed genre information appearing in artists view.
- Fixed better logic for first and last page pagination controls.
- Added Play Next function for whole album or playlist.
- Fixed header on Random view not using css colours.
- Fixed Smart search results to not display a section if no results for that type.
- Fixed offset on album view pages being out by 1.
- Fixed album views to not write out table data unless there is a result to display.
See for a summary of what is working and what is not working.
Alpha releases will complete missing functionality.
Beta releases will complete styling, design and performance.
Full stable release will follow beta with v1.0.