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The conceptual library, that adds coroutines to c# language


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NetCoro is a conceptual library, that adds coroutines to c# language

Benefits of coroutines:

  • one main thread
  • the ability to easily pause the execution of a method while waiting for an event, and executing another method at this time
  • no race conditions
  • sometimes coroutines make a code with pattern "Chain of Command" simpler

Getting started


In the NetCoro library coroutine initialy is an object, that implements interface IEnumerable<Awaitable>, that can return awaitable objects sequentially. But we can get this iterator from IEnumerable object, sequentially getting coroutines and getting Awaitable objects from each of them. Therefore, for convenience, we will call "coroutines" objects of type IEnumerable<Coro>. We can get Coro iterator from methods with yield return. For example:

public static IEnumerable<Coro> myCoro() {
	Console.WriteLine("Executable code before await");
	yield return Coro.Await(() => SomeLongMethod());
	Console.WriteLine("Executable code after await");

For convenience in NetCoro all awaitable objects bringing to Coro.Thus, it is possible to create recursive iterator methods.


For visual convenience preparation of an object for return via yield return is carried out through the method Coro Coro.Await(...), overloaded for different awaitable objects types. There is an extension-method in the CoroExt class for each overload of Coro Coro.Await(...) (only for probabliity to write myTask.Await() instead Coro.Await(myTask)).

At the moment, waiting for objects of the following types is provided :

  • Task
  • Action / Func<T> - a Task is created from the delegate
  • WaitHandle
  • DateTime - pause coroutine before a certain time
  • int / double / TimeSpan (pause the execution of a coroutine for a certain number of milliseconds)

There are also a control Awaitable objects:

  • Coro.DoNothing(); - pause the execution of the current coroutine and go to the next
  • Coro.InterruptCurrent(); - interrupt the execution of the current coroutine
  • Coro.InterruptAll(); - abort execution of all coroutines and exit the method Work

Iterators IEnumerable<Coro> are nested coroutines. When returning a coroutine based on IEnumerable<Coro>, the final expected Awaitable object is returned recursively.


Earlier it was said that delegates are cast and processed as Task . The AwaitLong method is used for delegates that expect to wait a long time (for example, waiting for user input yield return Coro.AwaitLong(Console.ReadLine);). In fact, in AwaitLong, tasks are created with the parameter TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning.


After waiting for a task or delegate, the execution result can be obtained by reference using an object of the Promise or the Promise<T> type in case the expected object returns a result.

Properties and methods of Promise:

  • TaskStatus Status - status of finished task
  • Exception Exception - exception (if thrown) of finished task
  • Asset() - throws an exception if the task was not completed successfully due to an internal exception
  • AssertForward() - throws an exception of type ForwardException thrown from CoroManager to the calling method anyway

If a task returns a result, Await returns a Promise<TResult> object by reference, where TResult is a type of return value. This class inherits the Pormise class and has all of this properties and methods and:

  • TResult Result - a result of the task


public static IEnumerable<Coro> inputCoro() {

	yield return Coro.AwaitLong(() => Console.ReadLine(), out Promise<string> promise);
	Console.WriteLine($"Task result: {promise.Result}");	


CoroManager - the object, that executing coroutines.


CoroManager(bool catchExceptions = true)
  • bool catchExceptions - if true, during execution, all exceptions will be caught, except ForwardException and transferred for processing to CoroExecutionController of coroutine from which the exception was thrown


  • bool AddCoro(CoroExecutionController coroExecutorProperties) - add a coroutine to (execution controler) to CoroManager
  • void Work() - a method that blocks the current thread and executes the coroutines passed using the AddCoro method
  • void WaitAndStop() - waiting for unfinished coroutines and stopping CoroManager. After stopping work, the program continues to run after calling the Work method
  • void SkipWaitOnce() - skips waiting for Awaitable objects returned by coroutines once
  • AddCoro extension method
    public static void AddCoro(
    	this ICoroManager coroManager, 
    	IEnumerable<Coro> coro, 
    	Action<CoroExecutionController> finished = null,
    	Action completed = null, 
    	Action canceled = null, 
    	Action<Exception> failtured = null,
    	TaskExceptionBehaviour taskExceptionBehaviour = TaskExceptionBehaviour.Default
    ) => coroManager.AddCoro(coro.Control(finished, completed, canceled, failtured, taskExceptionBehaviour));
    The extension method for the CoroManager objects, allowing you to add iterators to execution by creating a CoroExecutionController and passing it to bool AddCoro(CoroExecutionController coroExecutorProperties). This method makes it possible to add to execution without creating a CoroExecutionController explicitly coroManager.AddCoro(myCoroMethod);

Static CoroManager

For cases when you just need to wait for the execution of several coroutines, there is a static method Work and its overload

  • public static void Work(params IEnumerable<Coro>[] coros)
  • public static void Work(params CoroExecutionController[] controlsArray)
  • public static void Work(IEnumerable<CoroExecutionController> corosExectuionControllers)
  • public static void Work(bool catchExceptions, params IEnumerable<Coro>[] coros)
  • public static void Work(bool catchExceptions, params CoroExecutionController[] controlsArray)
  • public static void Work(bool catchExceptions, IEnumerable<CoroExecutionController> corosExectuionControllers)

All methods take as one of the arguments an executable coroutine or a execution controller. The second possible argument bool catchExceptions indicates whether to catch exceptions inside the method Work and regularly perform other coroutines or should to throw out the exception.


CoroExecutionController - an object for monitoring the execution of one coroutine


public CoroExecutionController(Coro coro, Action<CoroExecutionController> finished = null, Action completed = null, Action canceled = null, Action<Exception> failtured = null, TaskExceptionBehaviour taskExceptionBehaviour = TaskExceptionBehaviour.Default)

  • Coro coro - coroutine, the execution of which will be controlled
  • Action<CoroExecutionController> finished = null - a delegate to be called when a coroutine finishes executing anyway. The completed coroutine controller passes itself as an argument
  • Action completed = null - a delegate to be called when a coroutine successfully completed
  • Action canceled = null - a delegate to be called when a coroutine canceled (for example, if Coro.InterruptCurrent(); or Coro.InterruptAll(); was returned)
  • Action<Exception> failtured = null - a delegate to be called when an exception is thrown (in case when catchExceptions in the CoroManager was true)
  • TaskExceptionBehaviour taskExceptionBehaviour = TaskExceptionBehaviour.Default - behaviour when exception in the coroutine was occured (see below for details)


  • event Action<CoroExecutionController> Finished - a delegate to be called when a coroutine finishes executing anyway. The completed coroutine controller passes itself as an argument
  • event Action Completed - a delegate to be called when a coroutine successfully completed
  • event Action Canceled - a delegate to be called when a coroutine canceled (for example, if Coro.InterruptCurrent(); or Coro.InterruptAll(); was returned)
  • event Action<Exception> Failtured - a delegate to be called when an exception is thrown (in case when catchExceptions in the CoroManager was true)
  • Exception Exception - an exception, which was occured when the coroutine execution or null
  • bool IsFinished - indicates the coroutine completion status


  • void Interrupt() - interrupts the execution of the coroutine
  • void Wait() - blocks calling thread and waits for the coroutine execution finish
  • InterruptAndWait() - starts to interrupt the coroutine execution and blocks the current thread until it stops

Also there are Control extension methods in the CoroExt static class with the first parameter of the Coro and IEnumerable<Coro> types. In fact it was created for a convenience. All arguments of the Control extension methods are arguments of CoroExecutionController constructor.

Exceptions handling

Exceptions in coroutines:

  • Exceptions thrown from iterator methods are caught and passed to the Failtured delegate of the execution controller
  • Exceptions of type ForwardException are always thrown from the Work method. Such exceptions are meant to be handled externally

Handling Awaitable exceptions:

  • When calling the Await method for asynchronous tasks (and delegates), you can specify the TaskExceptionBehaviour parameter
    • TaskExceptionBehaviour.Nothing - when an exception occurs in Task, nothing happens
    • TaskExceptionBehaviour.ThrowInCoro - when an exception occurs in Task, this exception throws in the waiting coroutine in the main thread
    • TaskExceptionBehaviour.Default - the behavior is determined by the taskExceptionBehaviour parameter passed to the constructor of the execution controller of the current coroutine (if the TaskExceptionBehaviour.Default value was also passed during the creation of CoroExecutionController, nothing happens)
  • If an exception was occured but was not thrown automatically with the TaskExceptionBehaviour parameter, it's possible to check the task for an exception and throw it if it was thrown using promise.Asset()
  • You can also throw an exception of type ForwardException with promise.AssetForward()


You can find all examples in Examples project

Example 1 (Round Robin)

When this code is run, coroutines will be executed, printing the characters "c", "a", "t", "" 30 times, passing control to each other via yield return Coro.DoNothing ();. As a result, the console will display

cat cat cat cat cat ...

public class Example1 {

	private static IEnumerable<Coro> printCoro(char c) {
		for(int index = 0; index < 30; index++) { 
			yield return Coro.DoNothing();

	public static void Start() { 
		CoroManager.Work(printCoro('c'), printCoro('a'), printCoro('t'), printCoro(' '));


Example 2 (Long tasks and delays)

In this example, InputCoro is waiting for user input, at this time Worker coroutines can be executed, sorting the string passed as the line argument to . yield return Task.Delay (...); simulates waiting for some long operation, while waiting for which other Worker methods can be executed.

public class Example2 {
	private static CoroManager coroManager;
	private static int lineNumber;

	private static IEnumerable<Coro> InputCoro() { 
		while(true) { 
			yield return Coro.AwaitLong(() => Console.ReadLine(), out Promise<string> promise);
			coroManager.AddCoro(Worker(promise.Result, ++lineNumber));

	private static IEnumerable<Coro> Worker(string line, int lineNumber) { 
		//Difficult algorithm
		char[] arr = line.ToCharArray();
		Console.WriteLine($"Line {lineNumber}: {new string(arr)}");
		for(int index1 = 0; index1 < arr.Length; index1++) {
			for(int index2 = 0; index2 < arr.Length - 1; index2++) { 
				if(arr[index2] > arr[index2 + 1]) { 
					char buffer = arr[index2 + 1];
					arr[index2 + 1] = arr[index2];
					arr[index2] = buffer;
					//Some long operation
					yield return Task.Delay((int)new Random().Next(1000, 2000)).Await();
					Console.WriteLine($"Line {lineNumber}: {new string(arr)}");

	public static void Start() {
		coroManager = new CoroManager();

Example 3 (CoroExecutionController)

This example demonstrates creating a CoroExectionController for a coroutine and adding callback methods

public class Example3 {

	public enum CoroAction { SuccessCompletion, Interrupt, ThrowException }

	private static IEnumerable<Coro> TestCoro(CoroAction action) { 

		switch(action) { 
			case CoroAction.SuccessCompletion:
				yield break;
			case CoroAction.Interrupt:
				yield return Coro.InterruptCurrent();
				yield break;
			case CoroAction.ThrowException:
				throw new Exception("My exception");

	public static void Start() {
		//Create a CoroExecutionController
		foreach(CoroAction action in typeof(CoroAction).GetEnumValues()) {
			Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
			Console.WriteLine($"{action.ToString()} run");
			Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
			Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80));

			//Create a CoroExecutionController for new TestCoro(action)
				finished: (c) => Console.WriteLine("TestCoro finished!"),
				completed: () => Console.WriteLine("TestCoro completed!"),
				canceled: () => Console.WriteLine("TestCoro canceled!"),
				failtured: (e) => Console.WriteLine($"Exception occured ({e.Message})!")




You can find more examples in the Test project


Thanks to Anastasia Danilova (@hakishima_art) for the cool project logo!