Zikar is a SPA (with React) that lets users create own flashcards and memorize words easily.
Demo: https://zikar.surge.sh
After login/register to Zikar, you can create your own flashcards right away. If you don't have any idea, you can browse others' collections for reference.
With Web Speech API: Text to Speech, you can memorize cards with sounds. Also, if you don't want to memorize in the created order, you can press the random button to random the order or the exchange button to decide whether words or definitions to show first.
Not sure if you memorize words? You can then go to the test mode to test if you really memorizing them.
Want some fun? Zikar has match game mode base on your flashcards!
You can use the search bar to search and browse others' public collections.
With SheetJS js-xlsx and FileReader let you can create flashcards not just by typing but also you can upload excel file.
Because photos from cellphones have EXIF tags when uploading these photos to the web you will find out actually your photos are in the wrong direction. With JavaScript and Canvas, you can easily add the right direction and the compressed image to Zikar.
Except for using buttons, you can also switch and flip cards easily just with arrow keys.