This is an example GitLab CI/CD pipeline configuration file (gitlab-ci.yml) for a Python project. The pipeline includes stages for initialization, testing, and deployment. The pipeline uses various linters to validate the code, and generates linting badges as artifacts. The pipeline also includes a deployment stage that is currently empty, but can be customized to deploy the code to a server or other destination. Pipeline Stages
The pipeline includes the following stages:
- init: Initializes the Python environment by installing dependencies with pipenv. The virtual environment is cached to speed up future pipeline runs.
- test: Runs linters to validate the code. The pipeline includes the following linters:
- pylint: Analyzes Python code and generates a score based on code quality. The pipeline generates a badge for the score.
- black: Formats Python code to adhere to a specific style guide.
- isort: Sorts Python imports to follow a specific style guide.
- deploy: An empty stage that can be customized to deploy the code to a server or other destination.
To use this GitLab CI/CD configuration in your project:
- Copy the gitlab-ci.yml file to the root of your project directory.
- Customize the stages and linters as needed.
- Push the changes to your GitLab repository.
- Set up a GitLab CI/CD runner to execute the pipeline.
That's it! Your project should now have a CI/CD pipeline that automatically validates the code and can deploy it to a server or other destination.
This example GitLab CI/CD configuration is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.