Generate Actions and Reducers based on Duck method
[]( redux generator/blob/master/package.json)
$ npm install -g @t7m/redux-generator
$ redux COMMAND
running command...
$ redux (-v|--version|version)
@t7m/redux-generator/0.0.2 win32-x64 node-v10.16.3
$ redux --help [COMMAND]
$ redux COMMAND
#First command is to initialise Redux boilerplate (./redux)
#You can then get rootReducer from ./redux and integrate it in your config
redux init
#Second you need to create a Feature to contain reducers and actions.
redux create --f (name of feature)
#Create a synchronous action
#You'll get prompt with existing features to choose from.
redux create --a (name of action)
#Create a asynchronous action
# You'll get prompt with existing feature to choose from.
redux create --async (name of async action)