Please run python --train --flip --erase --perspective
. The rest hyperparameters are set to
default in my script.
The best performance is achieved from a variant of EfficientNet B4. The key differences between my implementation and
the public available architecture include significant simplifications that adapt HW2, data structures, dropout, etc.
Please see the notes in
for additional references.
I used CrossEntropy and the Adam Optimizer.
I resized the images to 380x380, used perspective transformation, random horizontal flipping, and random erase. Although I tried normalization and random rotation, they did not work well for me. Batch size: 16; dropout: 0.4; learning rate: 1e-3.
Please run python --train --flip --erase --perspective
. The rest hyperparameters are set to
default in my script.
The best performance is achieved from a variant of Resnet34. I used 3x3 kernel and stride = 1 in the first conv layer, in order to adapt to the 64x64 image. Before I did this, I tried various efforts in this task, including using the same EfficientNetB4 (resized to 380x380); pair-wise metric loss; triplet loss; b-way loss; etc. None of them worked as good as the 3x3 kernel-ed ResNet 34.
I used CrossEntropy & center loss for best performance. In this task, SGD performed better than Adam. Like I mentioned, I tried b-way loss, pairwise loss, triplet loss, but they did not work well during my tuning.
No resize, normalization or rotation. Like the classification task, I used perspective transformation, random horizontal flipping, and random erase. Learning rate: 5e-2; the ratio between crossEntropy and center loss: 0.01 (the center loss is divided by 100 before adding to the CE loss).