A gem to create in graph indices for neo4j in JRuby.
Sometimes it is not enough to rely on the speed of traversals, especially when you have a flat graph structure. With a flat graph structure I mean for example having one node having a huge number of relationships instead of more nodes having fewer relationships.
By instead organizing the nodes in a parallel tree of nodes it will become much faster to search using that tree (e.g. a Neo4j traversal with binary search).
Possible to add index and query on several properties
Possible to insert a lot of data fast.
I’m thinking of implenting a range tree similar data structure - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Range_tree
class Thing include Neo4jIndex::RangeTree property :length, :type => Float property :time, :type => Fixnum index :length, :type => :range_tree, :granularity => 0.1, :cluster => 10 index :time, :type => :range_tree, :granularity => 10, :cluster => 10 end Thing.new(:length = 42, :time => 5) Thing.find(:length => (40..50), :time => 4) # return all things with length between 40 and 40 and the exact time == 5
The granularity parameter sets the lowest level of range that will be indexed. All values lower than this will be put under the same tree node. The cluster size specifies the size different between the range of values that the children and parent nodes. It is also possible to specify a fix set of levels. For example, level one nodes in the tree should contain all the time properties for 1 year and have 12 children node each representing a month, and so on.
index :time, :type => :range_tree, :granularity => 10, :cluster => [60*60*24*365, 60*60*24*12, ...]
All ruby instances that uses the Neo4j::NodeMixin (and Neo4j::Rails::Model) are linked to a RuleNode which represent the class. When a range_tree is declared it will create a new node representing the range tree for that class.
Neo4j.ref_node --> Thing(RuleNode) --*> Thing instances <*------+ | | +---->RangeTree ---------> the range tree --+
When a new Thing instance is created it will use the neo4j event framework to trigger an insert into the range tree.
The difference between a segment tree and our range tree is that each node can have several parents - one for each property that is indexed. Let say we have the following index:
index :length, :type => :range_tree, :granularity => 1, :cluster => 10 index :time, :type => :range_tree, :granularity => 1, :cluster => 10
When the first thing node is created it will trigger an insert on the Neo4jIndex::RangeTree#insert method. If the range tree node has not been created already it will be created and attached to the Thing class rule node. The insert method will create a root node that has three properties, length, time and level. The level property will have value 0 indicating that it is a leaf node in the tree. The length and time property values are caluculated using this method:
index_value = begin step_size = granularity * cluster ** level ((value.to_f + step_size/2) / step_size).floor end
To check if a node in the tree contains a value we only have to compare the index values. After the leaf node has been created it will create a relationship between the leaf node and the inserter thing node (so that we can find that thing node).
We now have an index tree with just one leaf node. Let say that we insert another thing node. We then create new index values for the lengt and time properties and compare then with the only leaf node in the tree. If one of the index values are different then we have to create a parent index node for that property. Let say it was the length property that had a different index value. We then need to create a parent index node with a level 1 for the length property. We calculate new index values for the time and length properties and compare those values with the node we want to insert. If it is the same then we will create a new children node.