A user based game review and tracking web application developed using MERN stack.
M - MongoDB E - Express.js R - Reactjs N - Node.js
You can either sign-up or use this to try it out:
email: "[email protected]" password: "demo@123"
Key Features :
User Authentication (Registration and login) with JWT (Json Web Token).
A database of games storing various details(like genre, company, release date etc).
Home page displays the top 20 most popular and the highest games.All games are also accessible in the web application.
Every user can review any game in the database. The review includes title, description and a rating out of 10.
Each user is only allowed a single review for a particular game(multiple reviews for a game by the same user is not allowed).
Application shows an average rating for each game, calculated as the total sum of all ratings divided by the total number of ratings rounded to one decimal place.
Each user can access all their ratings by going into the User Rated list.
Personalized list for every user. Every user can have three unique lists containing their currently playing, completed and favourite game titles.
Users can add games to the lists from the homepage or from the All Games page and write reviews as well.
Awards for game titles on the basis of their genres and platforms. There is also a Hall of Fame section for distinguished titles irrespective of platform or release year.