A personal project about unity and a shootemup for learning unity engines and c# by myself
For project
A tutorial about git and unity : some option need to be change, see more bellow http://dmayance.com/git-and-unity-projects/
Tutorial : http://pixelnest.io/tutorials/2d-game-unity/
Usefull tutorial to understand how do an array who contain a delimated number of instances that we will use to just contains a specific number of instances and delete it after all. http://dmayance.com/unity-paint-part-2/
A specific library for shootemup with Unity : http://pixelnest.io/work/bulletml-for-unity/
Notice that we need to protect this link : http://www.bfxr.net/ Francois must not see it... :x
Logo font : Cute em up : Ghost Everywhere The shooting aventure : True Lies