Open source project for students or anyone who wants to learn how to create a web application using Flask or automate testing using WebDriver.
Add .env
file to the root directory and fill it with the following data:
SPS="your salt for password hashing"
SECRET_KEY="your secret key"
EMAIL_USERNAME="your username for email"
EMAIL_PASSWORD="your password for email"
POSTGRES_DB="postgres database name"
POSTGRES_USER="postgres user"
POSTGRES_PASSWORD="password for postgres user"
docker-compose up
Follow to group chat that squash-opponent-bot is a part of. Send a message or select options. If you have Telegram, you can contact. Welcome bot right now.
The idea of this application is to popularize squash in Lviv. The goal is convenience to find an opponent for the game.
Squash is fun. Dynamic fun game in the company of like-minded people. A lot of positive emotions and funny situations during the game. You are actively spending time with friends, chatting and exercising at the same time.