Software for satellites
Core Flight System - NASA portable and extendable flight software framework with extensive flight heritage and a growing suite of applications and platform ports
KubeOS - cubesat operating system
Perihelion OS - Satellite operating system
Cubism - Minimalist software system for CubeSats
nanosat-mo-framework - A software framework for small satellites based on CCSDS MO services
Open sorce satellite - cubesat sofware
Armsat - A nano satellite platform
OpenSatKit - A complete Core Flight System training and application development environment that includes COSMOS and 42
Dshield - software
fprime - F Prime (Fʹ) is a component-driven framework that enables rapid development and deployment of spaceflight and other embedded software applications, originally developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
FossaSat-1 -Hardware designs and software for the FossaSat-1 Pocketqube satellite
librecube - Open source space and Earth exploration. Defining a generic architecture of system of systems that have standardized interfaces makes it possible to combine and reuse elements for various applications
Arduino-Satellite - DIY Satellite project (Cubesat)
nano flight softwae - a nanosat
NANO-SAT-01 - A satellite model based on an Arduino
Oresat - Oregon Small Satellite Project
Pycubed - CubeSat Framework Programmable Entirely in Python
pi-cansat - Resources for a Raspberry Pi can satellite
cansat_arduino - A small satellite (cansat) built using arduino
WatSat - Code for the Waterloo Satellite Team
RedditSat - An open-source pocketqube arduino powered satellite being developed by various users.
Satellogic/canopus - flight computer software for CubeBug cubesat
UWCubeSat - cubesat parts list and software
upsat - Open source satellite software and hardware
MeshNetwork - data network
SatelliteApplicationsCatapult - software
SatelliteSimulators - simulation software
Spacelab - brazil institute
Satsim -simulation sofware
fleet space - control room sofware
kaan Sat - simulation sofware
openmctweb - mission control software
Satmad - Satellite Mission Analysis and Design
space physics - various software
Open Space Toolkit - Collection of versatile software libraries for space engineering applications (e.g., environment modeling, orbit and access computation)
Stabilistion - Stabilization of Artificial Satellite
Scheduler - timing of processes