We have dataset contains information about all flights that departed from NYC in 2013, Contains around 336,776 total flights.
Software's and Libraries:
- Jupyter Notebook
- Python 3.x
- Numpy
- Pandas
- MatplotLib
- Seaborn
- Pandas Profiling
This dataset is composed by the following variables:
- year: 2013
- month: 1-12
- day: Day of month(1-31)
- dep_time: Departure times, local timezone
- sched_dep_time: Scheduled departure time
- dep_delay: Departure delay, in minutes, Negative times represent early departures
- arr_time: Arrival times, local timezone
- sched_arr_time: Scheduled arrival time
- arr_delay: Arrival delay, in minutes, Negative times represent early arrivals
- carrier: Two letter carrier abbreviation
- flight: Flight number
- tailnum: Plane tail number
- origin: Airport codes for origin
- dest: Airport codes for destination
- air_time: Amount of time spent in the air, in minutes
- distance: Distance flown, in miles
- hour: Time of departure broken in to hour
- minute: Time of departure broken in to minutes
- time_hour: Timestamp