A set of transforms for enriching entities in Maltego via the ThreatCrowd API
== Transforms ==
- Domains (Domain)
- IP Addresses (IPv4 Address)
- MD5 Hashes of malware (Hash)
- E-mail Addresses (Email Address)
- Antivirus detection names (Phrase)
== Installation = =
- Copy all files to C:\Maltego Transforms\ThreatCrowd\
- For example this file should be located at C:\Maltego Transforms\ThreatCrowd\Readme.md
- Import "ThreatCrowdConfig.mtz" into Maltego via File -> Import Configuration
== Contact ==
I'd love to hear any feedback or suggestions you might have.
Please contact one of:
- @chrisdoman
- @threatcrowd
- [email protected]