Flink achitecture
- One active JobManager(JM)
- Several TaskManagers(TM)
One job per cluster
- Evolving job deployment philosophy
- Tie cluster lifecycle to job lifecycle)
- Ideally, the job is first-class.
(think about running a job on a platform like Kubernetes, not a running Flink cluster first then submitting the job)
- JobManager Deployment(jobmanager-deployment.yaml)
- maintain 1 replica of Flink container running as a JM
- apply a label like "flink-jobmanager"
- Jobmanager uses custom Flink Docker image "afilichkin/flink-k8s-with-submit-job" , it start JM and also submit the "app.jar"
- JM service(jobmanager-service.yaml)
- make JobManager accessiable by a hostname & port
- select pods with labebl "flink-jobmanager"
- TaskManager Deployment(taskmanager-deployment.yaml)
- maintain n replica of Flink container running as a TM
custom Flink Docker image "afilichkin/flink-k8s-with-submit-job" has only one change in "docker-entrypoint-custom.sh":
#Customization start
#fix for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-9937
echo " ${JOB_MANAGER_RPC_ADDRESS}" >> /etc/hosts
echo "Submit flink job in background"
exec /submit-flink-job.sh &
#Customization end
Flink image for Kubernetes that fixes Jobmanage connection issue https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-9937
You can use afilichkin/flink-k8s in jobmanager-deployment.yaml file
docker-entrypoint-custom.sh has only one change: echo " ${JOB_MANAGER_RPC_ADDRESS}" >> /etc/hosts