This repository is a Covalent Serverless Application deployed on Microsoft Azure. This wrapper will assist developers who want to utilize Covalent data without any server setup needed (serverless).
Azure Functions - Service for create function to interact with Covalent API.
Go to Documentation
Start with Configure your local environment
- Create an account
- Install Azure Functions Core Tools
- Install Azure CLI
Then, Create supporting Azure resources
az login
Create a resource group with your group name in your region:
- In this example, we use
andREGION = westeurope
az group create --name covalent-rg --location westeurope
- In this example, we use
Create a general-purpose storage account in your resource group and region:
- In this example, we use
STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME = covalentstorage
az storage account create --name covalentstorage --location westeurope --resource-group covalent-rg --sku Standard_LRS
- In this example, we use
Create a function app:
- In this example, we use
APP_NAME = covalent
az functionapp create --resource-group covalent-rg --consumption-plan-location westeurope --runtime node --runtime-version 12 --functions-version 3 --name covalent --storage-account covalentstorage
- In this example, we use
Finally, Deploy the function project to Azure
Go to your project directory
Install dependencies
npm install
Inside index.js file, set your
. -
Deploy project
func azure functionapp publish covalent
After deploy project successfully, you will find
API endpoint
atInvoke url:
. -
How to use your API on Microsoft Azure
GET {API endpoint}?path={COVALENT_API_PATH}¶m1=value1¶m2=value2&...