This repository contains the code and data to reproduce the results presented in the paper:
- Title: A Generic Self-Learning Emotional Framework for Machines
- Authors: Alberto Hernández-Marcos, Eduardo Ros
- Publisher: Springer Nature
- Journal: Scientific Reports
- DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-72817-x
- Article Link:
If you use this code or data, please cite the paper:
Hernández-Marcos, A., Ros, E. A generic self-learning emotional framework for machines. Sci Rep 14, 25858 (2024).
Containing all the data used and generated in the original paper.code/
Containing the notebooks, as well as some auxiliary modules they use.extra/
Extra information about the framework.
The whole process described in the article is reproduced in consecutive, independent notebooks, each taking all inputs from the data/original/
In order to preserve the original inputs of each notebook, the outputs produced are saved into the data/new_runs/
For maximum simplicity, all the notebooks install and import the libraries they need from scratch (not using any virtual environment).
For detailed explanations of the framework, methods and experiments, please refer to the paper.
The methodology introduced is independent from the RL algorithm and library used, as long as stepwise trajectories of the agent are registered for the required values (e.g. reward and state-value at each time-step).
Examples of the trajectories with the format used by the framework can be seen in folder /data/original/trajectories/
We recommend the open-source library OpenAI’s Spinning Up [Achiam, 2018], compatible with OpenAI’s Gym [Brockman, 2016], because of its modular, well-documented implementation of RL algorithms like PPO (Proximal Policy Optimization).
Exploration and creation of a dataset of RL trajectories from the previously trained RL agent. The trajectories are split in a train set and a test set.
Notebook: 01_trajectory_dataset_preparation.ipynb
Training of an emotional encoder based on the dataset with RL trajectories from a previously trained RL agent.
Notebook: 02_emotion_learning.ipynb
Identification of the patterns learned by the emotional encoder trained.
Notebook: 03_interpretation_of_latent_space.ipynb
I. Emotional attribution test with humans
Distinguishability and correspondence of the learned emotions with independent human observations.
II. Mapping PAD values to referenced PAD values
Mapping of the distribition of PAD values obtained for each learned emotion vs academy experimental references from human subjects.
Notebook: 04_experimental_validation_of_learned_emotions.ipynb