This is a test project for everyone that can practice to use "Pull Request".
- The directory "gitlessons" contains some files about git's knowledge.
- The directory "studynotes" contains some files about your experience and inspiration to learn git.
- The project gives everyone a chance to practice to use "Pull Request".
- You can write some experience to learn git or the knowledge about git.
- Then you put these files into correct directory and start a pull request.
- Finally, I will merge these files into my project and give you a feedback.
- Make sure the file extension ends in .txt or .md
- 这个项目就是为了大家练习Pull Request的,因为大多数的开源项目对于刚刚加入github的同学来说实在太庞大了,不要说贡献代码了,就是简单的看懂都得花很长时间,然而有些同学急于尝试一下Pull Request功能要怎么办呢?你可以把这个项目fork一份,添加一些文件到这个项目中,然后发起Pull Request请求合并。
- 添加的文件可以是关于git知识的文件或者是你学习git过程中的一些感悟,关于git知识的文件放到目录“gitlessons”中,关于学习git感悟的文件放到目录“studynotes”中。
- 文件最好是txt文件或者是md文件,文件名的格式为“你的githubid_文章主旨.txt”或者“你的githubid_文章主旨.md”,可以参考我写的几篇示例文件“./gitlessons/Albert_git简介.txt”、“./gitlessons/Albert_git简介.txt”和“./studynotes/Albert_git感悟.md”,只要你的内容不涉及到违法内容、描述得体,我都会把你的提交合并到我的项目中来供大家学习。
| +--Albert_git特点.md
| +--Albert_git简介.txt
| +--Albert_git感悟.md
| +--Anilople_git很实用
| +--Gordon-Leo_git.txt
| +--liwenyuan_git感悟.md
| +--mkxzy_git远程服务器搭建.txt
| +--myfile.txt
| +--testpullrequest
| +--xuefeng yin_git测试.txt
| +--test.txt