Control pinout change from original (This is made to preserve internal masks applied when doing port manipulation, Changed from Nano v3 PORTC to Nano Every PORTD) :
- WE from A0 to A3
- CE from A1 to A2
- OE from A2 to A1
- CLK_HI from A3 to A0
- CLK_LO from A4 to A6
- AD-BIT from A5 to A7
Data pinout changed from original (Port mapping has been updated) :
- D2 to D2
- D3 to D7
- D4 to A4
- D5 to A5
- D6 to D9
- D7 to D10
- D8 to D5
- D9 to D3
This weird non-consecutive pinout is to use the least possible amount of ports when doing direct port manipulation, DATA is now from MSB to LSB :
- Port F's 5th bit
- Port B's 3 least significant bits
- Port A's 4 least significant bits
! Support for more than 16 bits address has not been ported !
This fork also include an extension to program this project, by interfacing itself with the Manual Programming switches (More detail in the dedicated repo)