This project is forked from the private repo of the OpenWest Defusal Station project. It is named "Project Theseus" after the paradox of the Ship of Theseus; a thought experiment that raises the question of whether an object that has had all of its components replaced remains fundamentally the same object.
- Create a branch for your code and merge it to master once the changes are stable
- Keep the file structure as organized as possible
- Never commit binaries, hidden files created by your IDE, or Windows-style line endings.
- Keep detailed comments of what each function is meant to do
- Follow the PEP-8 standard when writing python
- Use comments starting with TODO to mark a feature that needs to be implemented and FIXME to mark features that need to be improved
- If you are stuck, then it is absolutely OK to ask for help
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python3 git python3-pip
$ git clone
$ cd project_theseus
$ git submodule update --init
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ ./
$ firefox
I highly suggest using PyCharm if you are working with Flask and Python
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install snapd
$ snap install pycharm-community
Add the project root to your python path for things to run correctly
$ echo "export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$HOME/project_theseus" >> ~/.profile
$ source ~/.profile
$ ## login with user: root password: root
$ # Delete default user
$ userdel alarm
$ # Create a new adminuser
$ useradd admin
$ # Set password for admin
$ passwd admin
$ # Make a home folder for admin
$ mkdir -p /home/admin
$ # Change ownership of the admin's home folder
$ chown -R admin:admin /home/admin
$ pacman -S sudo
$ # Grant admin sudo privileges
$ visudo
$ ## Press SHIFT + G then SHIFT + A
$ ## type "admin ALL=(ALL) ALL" without the quotes
$ ## save and quit by pressing ESCAPE, typing ":x" and pressing ENTER
$ # Remove root's password entry so that you can only log in as "admin" and use sudo and to do root stuff
$ vim /etc/shadow
$ ## replace root's password hash with !
$ # Install dependencies
$ pacman -S fakeroot gcc git i2c-tools make nginx packer python python-dateutil python-flask python-flask-restful python-pip tmux vim
$ packer -S raspi-config
$ # Enable I2C
$ echo "dtparam=i2c_arm=on"| sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt
$ sudo reboot
$ ## Log in as admin
$ ## Allow admin to access i2c
$ sudo chown admin:admin /dev/i2c*
$ ## Proceed with the instructions from the "Getting Started" section
$ ## Run project_theseus/
Stored in the database
Laser -- Deprecated
Time -- Stored as a datetime object but written at end of game