1.0.0 (2023-11-20)
Bug Fixes
- add debug commands (20fc4af)
- add ErrorBoundary (f6d5b2d)
- add g++ (17fee49)
- add gcompat (a66be81)
- add libc6-compat (7e0bed7)
- add missing imports (92281fb)
- add package.lock.json to build (f650d4e)
- add print view (8f63ae8)
- add registry to build (fa6b92b)
- add required packages (bdb8a58)
- add Tile for CSP (030eb42)
- add to deps (82c49a5)
- added frontmatter fields (7d04a56)
- added margins (357f743)
- another dhange to release config (65526d1)
- change to package-lock.json (6fe1fdb)
- context loading (2244f2c)
- control update (3dd200c)
- dalogs (9a0553e)
- delete bug (5823464)
- dialog box issues (ae98c75)
- disable edit (0a2ff07)
- docker user namespace remapping, change npm file ownership (7daefdb)
- dont install package deps (577e899)
- fix global replace of separator (f8a9594)
- fix package perms (565f505)
- fix re-rendering (eed0491)
- gccompat (91fdb80)
- loading and saving of etherpads (1636ffb)
- make image available to docker (303d734)
- Minor (d1f1119)
- minor typo (52df0a6)
- presentation view (b568d2f)
- presentations and paged output (3da363c)
- print to pdf (a4c45d6)
- Readme package details were wrong (987a919)
- reload pages on nav change (4180d51)
- remove tag (5d9a12d)
- remove api keys (687267d)
- remove container (889601a)
- remove ep_update (4edf442)
- remove libc6 (3bbc4bd)
- remove ln (43f40e9)
- remove logging (d033112)
- remove logging (29f27d1)
- remove multiple versions (950b80d)
- remove old examples (94203eb)
- remove old files (e18d9a1)
- remove packages from builder (8eb1bbd)
- remove port from next start (6fb1f43)
- remove python (d455009)
- remove registry from build (c60dda1)
- remove sentry (b1ce8d6)
- remove sentry (96dfb45)
- remove sentry dummy page (9476c47)
- remove typo for file (2118287)
- render chapters in the menu (864e6b3)
- revert redis connection settings (e46aad7)
- revert styled-components to 4.3.1 (4fd2f66)
- run build in a container (9164a89)
- styles on control table (ab9ed6f)
- swap to using npm (6f75cd5)
- theme issue (cced28d)
- tidy index.js (4ceab4f)
- tidy index.js (09493d3)
- try docker gateway (46a6c27)
- Update auto-build.yml (37b8f50)
- update typescript version (f2833a9)
- upgrader runner to 18.18 (5977bdb)
- add /output path with native mdx loader (58508bf)
- add app tiles (6568e71)
- add Azure Services (3758ef2)
- add ci versioning (62cf21a)
- add ci versioning (27668db)
- add compliance-ui (a1934aa)
- add conditional for cluster mode (a931ccd)
- add control detail in frameworks (de73589)
- add control files (b53d053)
- add copy url (86961d9)
- add curly braces to keys for redis cluster (9e9c6e5)
- add etherpad env api (ea946aa)
- add external github content (eb089f0)
- add framework docs (03e295b)
- add frontmatter (402a47f)
- add frontmatter (486ee7e)
- add github branches api (1e13914)
- add github integration (0cbd54a)
- add header to app pages (6e34414)
- add images (1db687e)
- add knowledge (9d4a60c)
- add knowledge (48dc9aa)
- add loading to index pages (ee49a47)
- add mui data grid (75646e2)
- add multi-arch images for local use (7b3e742)
- add other frameworks (7d9ffdd)
- add page params to frontmatter (6985565)
- add print view (89db722)
- add print view (1a6bc36)
- add print view to files (00ec18d)
- add Redis cache (351abd4)
- add redis to build (44a22ef)
- add related content (b03338f)
- add services (fdb0663)
- add sharepoint integration (e7c8467)
- add ToC (35fd68b)
- add ToC (359c849)
- added compliance and control view to applications (08a9f0a)
- allow env var for github directly in env (f64ae91)
- baseline framework visualisation (0aefdc9)
- basic business-unit view (3720d0a)
- built and working (55e14e0)
- cache products (6976b96)
- change branches (21fe7a6)
- deal with cached images (608f852)
- default redis (28ca4e2)
- Dynamic content (c7ef7ab)
- dynamic control coverage (d8652b3)
- editor updates (18aa2b7)
- etherpad render in pages fix (b119732)
- extend cache (3dc1fbb)
- fix compliance counts (f04d5ff)
- fix control definition (28abc89)
- fix control view (9e8cf96)
- fix font sizes (6489807)
- fix images (f1b450d)
- fix indexes (784861c)
- fix links, use name in control overview (ded11b2)
- fix solutions (fc99711)
- force build (b553077)
- index pages (d92e309)
- loading Index page (0ac9eee)
- loading pad content (b24f54c)
- modify controls to new toml (601f048)
- move etherpad (fbfbee3)
- normalise IndexView (443f1ac)
- open pad in new tab (f496458)
- pagedjs pdf with first page (07195bf)
- post: allow post (63adb94)
- refactor of pages to use hooks (43212fa)
- remove host header (2f0db4f)
- remove pro icons (02d5203)
- remove unused reservations (4251b55)
- replace mdxprovider (15449b6)
- resources view (2c06bf1)
- revert etherpad landing page (4458b85)
- rework of services and git integration (ea1c64b)
- separate etherpad (ef55668)
- services and business units (b156a09)
- swap cms for native github package (b562735)
- swap to usePageContent hook (29fff80)
- try catch added to matterdata (9382e80)
- update landing page (65cf535)
- update providers page with context (bf2fd2d)
- update redis cluster constructor (a042a84)
- update redis constructor call (06f1c5a)
- update siteconfig.js (27fe6a2)
- update to sharepoint env var (f35ccb0)
- upgrade to airview-mdx 1.5 (1d9f938)