This is a docker-compose based deployment of the core AirView components. When executed, you will have a self contained stack with the following architecture:
Provides reverse proxy into application. Routing within nginx is handled via location prefixes. This allows different services within the application stack to be returned on a single host/port, avoiding CORS related issues. The prefix/route mappings are:
Prefix | Service |
/_api/api | AirView API |
/_api/storage | Static storage mock service |
/_api/gitproxy | Gitproxy service for OAuth token exchange |
/ | Catch all route serving AirView frontend |
The single page application as found in this repo -
The main backend api for the application as found in this repo -
Persists data into the PGSQL database service.
Mock service to proxy calls to github api main branch as a substitute for local storage
Handles Github Oauth app token exchange
Mock service to allow the frontend SPA to execute it's authentication flow against a mock oauth2 provider
Mock service to automatically approve exclusion requests
Postgres backend relational db
Swagger UI provides api documentation page based on openapi spec
Provided that you have docker-compose installed locally (, the stack can be started with
docker-compose up
Then, you should be able to browse to http://localhost:5000 and view the frontend.
To access the API, you should be able to make calls to the api from the base url of http://localhost:5000/_api/api - e.g. to list all applications - http://localhost:5000/_api/api/applications/
Documentation based on the OpenApi specification of the api is served at http://localhost:5001
Please refer to the API & frontend repositories for more information on how to interact with the application
The below script shows how to create some basic data using the client library described here -
from airviewclient import client, models
base_url = "http://localhost:5000/_api/api"
system_id = 1
referencing_type = "cloud_account_id"
client_handler = client.get_handler(
token=None, # No token auth for demo environment
# Compliance events can be sent directly to AirView
# Define an application to associate the compliance event with
application = models.Application(
name="My Demo Application",
environment=models.Environment(abbreviation="DEV", name="Development"),
# Define a techincal control against which the event has been raised
technical_control = models.TechnicalControl(
name="All servers should be patched",
# Send the compliance event
compliance_event = models.ComplianceEvent(
## Applications can be created individually
top_level_application = models.Application(
name="A Parent Application",
environment=models.Environment(abbreviation="DEV", name="Development"),
created_app = client_handler.handle_application(top_level_application)
## Child applictions can also be created
second_level_application = models.Application(
name="A Child Application",
environment=models.Environment(abbreviation="DEV", name="Development"),,
created_app = client_handler.handle_application(second_level_application)
Github integration can be optionally enabled by setting environment variables prior to build (e.g. using a .env file). When USE_GITHUB_STORAGE
is set to False, then the environment will default to returning empty content with no editor functionality enabled.
If using Github editing, a Github app will need to be created with 'Contents' and 'Pull Request' read/write permissions. The details will need to be configured in the environment, along with the organisation/user and repo details of the target repo. The repo must also be public.
GITHUB_SIGNING_KEY should be a 256 bit random key. This can easily be generated with the command openssl rand -base64 32
If you have altered these variables then you should rebuild the environment with the no-cache build option.