Contains hotkeys for the PowerShell ISE to help with coding and testing. Simply importing this module will add the hotkeys (and the corresponding menu items).
Option 1: Put your caret (the blinking cursor) on a line or a variable name. Press the F2 key. If on a variable name, the addon will retrieve the value of the variable and send it to Out-GridView. If not on a variable name, the addon will execute the entire line, working backwards in the file until it finds what it thinks in the beginning of the current pipeline, and send the results to Out-GridView.
Option 2: Highlight some text. Press the F2 key. The addon will execute the highlighted text as a scriptblock and send the result to Out-GridView.
- F2 - Out-GridView
- Alt+F2 - Select-Object -First 1 | Format-List -Property *
- Shift+F2 - Out-GridView -PassThru
- Alt+Shift+F2 - Measure-Object | ForEach-Object Count
Take the following PowerShell code as a sample:
Get-ChildItem C:\Windows |
Select-Object Name, Length, LastWriteTime |
Where-Object Length |
ForEach-Object {
$_.Length = "$([Math]::Round($_.Length / 1MB,2)) MB"
Putting your caret (click anywhere on the line without highlighting any text) on the first line (Get-ChildItem) and pressing Alt+F2 will return the first item as though you had executed:
Get-ChildItem | Select-Object -First 1 | Format-List -Property *
You'll also see the text "Get-ChildItem C:\Windows" in Cyan preceded by a header. Moving your caret to the second line by pressing the Down Arrow key and pressing Alt+F2 will show that you executed two lines. Try putting the caret on other lines and try the other hotkeys. Using this addon (and assuming you write scripts with pipeline steps on separate lines) you should be able to walk through a pipeline and quickly preview the results at each step.
You'll notice if you put your caret inside of the ForEach-Object loop you'll only execute the one line in the loop. If you put your caret on } on the last line you'll execute everything. Just look at the "Executing ISE Caret/Selection Value" text to get a feel for how it works. Also remember that highlighting any text will execute just the highlighted text, and if your caret is on a variable name you'll get just the contents of the variable.
The addon will also ignore any "$variable = " text since it wants to show you the value of your selection, not capture it in a variable.