NTUST Course Assist Bot
This Telegram Bot can help the students of NTUST search the available course efficiently
This repository contains:
- The usage of this Telegram Bot
- A native python-telegram-bot program of this project
- The guide of create the Bot service
Because of the Course Searching system provided by NTUST does not have the quota inquire function, So we devoloped this Telegram bot to provide a platform that can inquire the course quota.
The goals for this repository are:
- To provide the NTUST student have a convient way to check the quota fo course.
- To make a platform can combine the all of lecture informations
- To provide the notice of NTUST
To establish this Telegram bot service, please use the Dockerfile to build the image.
You can use this command to build the image:
$ docker build -t tgbot . --no-cache
Then use this command to run the service:
$ docker run -e TG_TOKEN={YourBotToken} -d --restart always tgbot
You can use the telegram bot we establish: