This is a repository for a hardware-efficient DNN accelerator on FPGA specialized in object detection and tracking. The design won first place in the 59th IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference System Design Contest (DAC-SDC).
Designed by:
Jingwei Zhang, Xinye Cao, Yu Zhang, Guoqing Li, Meng Zhang
SEUer Group, Southeast University
The DAC 2022 System Design Contest focused on low-power object detection on an embedded FPGA system. Contestants received a training dataset provided by DJI, and a hidden dataset used to evaluate the performance of the designs in terms of accuracy and power. Contestants competed to create the best performing design on a Ultra 96 v2 FPGA board. Grand cash awards were given to the top three teams. The award ceremony was held at the 2022 IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference.
Generate HLS project by running:
cd ./scripts vivado_hls hls_script.tcl
Generate Vivado project by running:
vivado -mode tcl -source rtl_script.tcl