🙋 AiArt Group by Fei Gao
[2015-2026] is at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Hangzhou Dianzi University (HDU).
[2024-Now] is currently with the Intelligent Information Processing (IIP) Lab. and Hangzhou Institute of Technology, at Xidian University.
智能视觉艺术小组:杭州电子科技大学-计算机学院 & 西安电子科技大学-杭州研究院
🌈 We mainly apply machine learning techniques to computer vision problems. Our research interests include degraded image analysis, image generation, biomedical image analysis, etc.
🧙 我们的主要研究研究兴趣为人工智能和计算机视觉,包括低质图像分析、视觉内容生成AIGC、医学影像分析、绘画机器人等。