cp .env.example .env
and update with your data like database and redisdocker-compose up
- Inside the web container execute the following commands:
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate --seed
npm install
npm run build
- Create sample website to manage company's customers and their purchases where each customer has multiple purchases as per below:
- authenticate users by username and password (stateless authentication).
- provide CRUD operations on customers and purchases.
- only admin users will be able to add, update or delete customers data.
- The website should be built using Laravel framework and vue.js.
- As the system is a blog then we should do server-side rendering allowing your visitors to see your website prior to the JavaScript fully loading. It also makes it easier for search engines to index your site.
- Docker-compose setup has:
- webserver nginx web server
- php:8.2
- database (mysql server)
- phpmyadmin
- webserver: server(nginx web server)
- database_server: (blogging-platform_database): it has mysql database server
- phpmyadmin: (blogging-platform_phpmyadmin): ui for database (database client)
- You need to log in as Admin with username: admin password: password
- You need to create some customers
- You then can create purchase but first add some products in create purchase page there is a button to add products
- In create purchase page you can search from the customer then select it
- In create purchase page after you added some products you can add record to the purchase with the products you recently added or from previous add
- Mainly purchase order record first field is search you need to search with product name then select it from results
- Create/edit/delete/show/list for purchase
- Create/edit/delete/list for customers
- Api for search for products/customers
- Api for create product