A Heap Dump Parser
run Heappo and add the "graph" parameter
java -jar path/to/jheappo.jar "/path/to/file.hprof" graph
It will create a graph.db
The graph model is:
(:Class {id, name, _fields})-[:SUPERCLASS]->(:Class)
(:Instance {id, _fields})-[:IS_CLASS]->(:Class)
You can open it directly with neo4j-shell:
$NEO4J_HOME/bin/neo4j-shell -path graph.db
and then run queries like:
~/v/neo4j-enterprise-3.3.3/bin/neo4j-shell -path graph.db
NOTE: Local Neo4j graph database service at 'graph.db'
match (c:Class) return c limit 5;
| c |
| Node[0]{id:28991131920,name:"sun/lwawt/macosx/CPlatformWindow$$Lambda$33",size:8,_arg$1:2} |
| Node[1]{size:0,id:28991103008,name:"java/lang/Object"} |
| Node[2]{id:28991132048,name:"sun/java2d/opengl/CGLLayer$$Lambda$32",size:0} |
| Node[3]{id:28991132200,name:"java/lang/invoke/LambdaForm$MH",size:0} |
| Node[4]{id:28991132328,name:"java/lang/invoke/LambdaForm$DMH",size:0} |
| Node[5]{id:28991132456,name:"java/lang/invoke/LambdaForm$DMH",size:0} |
| Node[6]{_arg$5:2,_arg$4:2,_arg$3:2,_arg$2:10,id:28991132584,name:"com/apple/laf/AquaPainter$AquaSingleImagePainter$$Lambda$31",size:32,_arg$1:10} |
match (c:Class) where not c.name starts with "java/lang/invoke/LambdaForm" return c limit 100;
match (c:Class) where c.name = "java/lang/Object" return c;
match (c:Class) where c.name = "java/lang/Object" return c, size( (c)<-[:IS_CLASS]-() );
match (c:Instance) return count(*);
| count(*) |
| 38359 |
1 row
70 ms
match (c:Instance) where not (c)<-[:CONTAINS]-() return count(*);
| count(*) |
| 14611 |
1 row
213 ms
match (i:Instance)-[:IS_CLASS]->(c) where not (i)<-[:CONTAINS]-() return c.name, i limit 10;;
| c.name | i |
| "java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock" | Node[2188]{stackSerial:1,id:28991029248} |
| "java/lang/String" | Node[2190]{stackSerial:1,id:28991029264,_hash:0} |
| "java/lang/String" | Node[2195]{stackSerial:1,id:28991030104,_hash:0} |
| "java/lang/String" | Node[2197]{stackSerial:1,id:28991030672,_hash:0} |
| "java/lang/String" | Node[2199]{stackSerial:1,id:28991030696,_hash:0} |
| "java/lang/String" | Node[2201]{stackSerial:1,id:28991030720,_hash:0} |
| "java/lang/StringBuilder" | Node[2203]{stackSerial:1,id:28991031944} |
| "java/lang/String" | Node[2204]{stackSerial:1,id:28991031968,_hash:0} |
| "java/lang/String" | Node[2206]{stackSerial:1,id:28991031992,_hash:0} |
| "sun/awt/SunHints$Value" | Node[2213]{stackSerial:1,id:28991032064,_index:2} |
10 rows
52 ms
match (c:Class) return c.name, size( (c)<-[:IS_CLASS]-() ) as instances order by instances desc limit 10;
| c.name | instances |
| "java/lang/String" | 7968 |
| "java/util/Hashtable$Entry" | 1805 |
| "java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentHashMap$Node" | 1348 |
| "java/util/HashMap$Node" | 1323 |
| "java/lang/ref/SoftReference" | 1123 |
| "java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentHashMap" | 838 |
| "java/lang/ref/Finalizer" | 815 |
| "sun/font/Font2DHandle" | 793 |
| "sun/font/CFont" | 785 |
| "java/lang/reflect/Field" | 561 |
10 rows
12 ms
Ìf you want to see the graph visually, download and install Neo4j(Desktop) and create an new "Graph" in your "Project"
Then go to "Manager" -> "Open Folder" and copy the graph.db
directory into data/database/graph.db
Then you can start the server and "Open Neo4j Browser" to execute queries and interactively visualize the data.
Note: As the Heap graph is very large and dense, Neo4j browser's default visualization will come to its limits quickly.
Then you need to add LIMIT's or filter / group data.