As a musically inclined weather enthusiast
I want to enter in my current city
So I can see the current weather
I want to be able store a few cities in the navigation bar
So I can save the last few cities I searched
I want to listen to songs that relate to the weather vibes in the city
So I can listen to the songs
I want to be able to like and save songs
So that I can replay songs that I liked.
-will include searchbar that allows the user to choose their location for weather data pull
-include the name of our project
-display local weather
-will display the music hashtags that will be given to you based on the weather
-will display 8 tracks in 8 seperate card containers
-each card will diplay track ID, related tags, like button(add to local storage)
-when a track is liked it will be added to this container
-this container will also show saved cities
-digital media agency business name "created by The Vibe Doctors"
-will include links to each one of our github accounts