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A wild edible plant classifier that utilises state-of-the-art CNN architectures.


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Wild Edible Plant Classifier

This repository focuses on a Wild Edible Plant Classifier that compares the performance of three state-of-the-art CNN architectures: MobileNet v2, GoogLeNet, and ResNet-34. The artefact created is part of my BSc dissertation, aimed at classifying 35 classes of wild edible plants using Transfer Learning.


Plant Classes

Figure 1. The 35 Wild Edible Plant classes used in the project.

The classes of wild edible plants used are listed in table 1, accompanied by the number of images (per class) within the dataset. The dataset created, comprised of Flickr images, is obtained through their API using the rudimentary scripts within the \data_gathering folder. The dataset can be found on Kaggle here and contains 16,535 images, where the quantity of images per class varies from 400 to 500.

The project is divided into three Jupyter Notebooks. The first one contains a sample of the plant classes to visualise them, stored within a zip file found inside the dataset folder, and covers steps 4 to 6 in the Machine Learning Pipeline diagram (figure 2). The second notebook focuses on the tuning of the CNN models, and the third and final notebook visualises their results.

Class Quantity
Alfalfa 470
Allium 481
Borage 500
Burdock 460
Calendula 500
Cattail 466
Chickweed 488
Chicory 500
Chive blossoms 455
Coltsfoot 500
Common mallow 439
Common milkweed 469
Class Quantity
Common vetch 451
Common yarrow 474
Coneflower 500
Cow parsley 500
Cowslip 442
Crimson clover 400
Crithmum maritimum 433
Daisy 490
Dandelion 500
Fennel 452
Fireweed 500
Gardenia 500
Class Quantity
Garlic mustard 409
Geranium 500
Ground ivy 408
Harebell 500
Henbit 500
Knapweed 500
Meadowsweet 456
Mullein 500
Pickerelweed 454
Ramsons 489
Red clover 449
Total 16,535

Table 1. A detailed list of the Wild Edible Plant classes with the number of images per class within the dataset.

File Structure

ML Pipeline

Figure 2. Machine Learning Pipeline diagram.

The file structure used for the artefact is outlined below and has helped to achieve the Machine Learning (ML) pipeline illustrated above.

+-- data_gathering
|   +-- 1.
|   +-- 2.
|   +--
|   +--
|   +--
+-- dataset
|   +--
+-- functions
|   +--
|   +--
|   +--
|   +--
+-- saved_models
|   +--
|   +--
|   +--
+-- 1. wep_classifier_initial.ipynb
+-- 2. wep_classifier_tuning.ipynb
+-- 3. visualise_results.ipynb
+-- requirements.txt

As mentioned earlier, the \data_gathering folder outlines scripts that were used to gather and prepare the Flickr image data (2, 3 in ML pipeline). The \functions folder holds the classes and functions used to perform all the functionality of the artefact. This covers all the remaining parts of the pipeline (4 -> 7).

The artefact code is run within three Jupyter Notebooks - 1. wep_classifier_initial.ipynb (steps 4 -> 6), 2. wep_classifier_tuning.ipynb (step 7), and 3. visualise_results.ipynb (step 6 for step 7).


This project requires a Python 3 environment, which can be created by following the instructions below.

  1. Create (and activate) a new environment.

    • Linux or Mac
    conda create --name wep
    source activate wep
    • Windows
    conda create --name wep
    activate wep
  2. Clone the repository, navigate to the wep-classifier/ folder and install the required dependencies.

    (Note) a requirements.txt file is accessible within this folder which details a list of the required dependencies.

    git clone
    cd wep-classifier
    conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab
    conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Create an IPython kernel for the wep environment.

    python -m ipykernel install --user --name wep --display-name "wep"
  4. Run the jupyter-lab command to start JupyterLab and access the Jupyter Notebooks.

A list of the used packages and versions are highlighted in the table below.

Package Version
Python 3.9.2
Matplotlib 3.3.4
NumPy 1.20.1
Torch 1.7.1
Torchvision 0.8.2
Package Version
SciPy 1.6.0
Pandas 1.2.2
Scikit-learn 0.2.4
Scikit-plot 0.3.7
Total packages 9


This section highlights useful documentation links relevant to the project.