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Revised elaboration of function definitions, part 2
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Change elab_type_declarator and elab_fundef_name so that the latter
returns two environments: the first one takes into account
struct/union definitions from the function return type,
while the second one also contains bindings for function
parameters and struct/union definitions from the function parameter list.

To this end the "kr_ok" bool argument of elab_type_declarator is
repurposed and renamed "fundef".  It controls not just whether
K&R function declarators are supported, but also which bindings
the returned environment contains.

Change elab_fundef to adapt to the changes in elab_fundef_name
and to maintain two environments:
- the global environment, enriched with struct/union definitions from
  the function return type, and with the function binding itself;
- the local environment, used for elaborating the body of the
  function, which also contains bindings for function parameters
  and struct/union definitions from the function parameter list.

Change elab_funbody so that it does not open a new scope for elaborating
the body, even though the body is represented as a block in the AST.
The standard says that the function body is processed in the same
scope where function parameters are declared, so that the following
is illegal:
     int f(int x) { double x; ... }

Introduce a variant enter_or_refine_function of enter_or_refine_ident
where the fresh identifier to use (if no earlier declaration is found)
is created in advance in an earlier scope.  This helps implement the
proper scoping of function names.
  • Loading branch information
xavierleroy committed May 7, 2018
1 parent 2e2d343 commit ea3a41b
Showing 1 changed file with 143 additions and 65 deletions.
208 changes: 143 additions & 65 deletions cparser/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -188,7 +188,8 @@ let combine_toplevel_definitions loc env s old_sto old_ty sto ty =
(new_sto, new_ty)

let enter_or_refine_ident local loc env s sto ty =
let enter_or_refine_ident_base local loc env new_id sto ty =
let s = in
(* Check for illegal redefinitions:
- a name that was previously a typedef
- a variable that was already declared in the same local scope
Expand All @@ -198,34 +199,58 @@ let enter_or_refine_ident local loc env s sto ty =
if redef Env.lookup_typedef env s then
error loc "redefinition of '%s' as different kind of symbol" s;
begin match previous_def Env.lookup_ident env s with
| Some(id, Env.II_ident(old_sto, old_ty))
when local && Env.in_current_scope env id
| Some(old_id, Env.II_ident(old_sto, old_ty))
when local && Env.in_current_scope env old_id
&& not (sto = Storage_extern && old_sto = Storage_extern) ->
error loc "redefinition of '%s'" s
| Some(id, Env.II_enum _) when Env.in_current_scope env id ->
| Some(old_id, Env.II_enum _) when Env.in_current_scope env old_id ->
error loc "redefinition of '%s' as different kind of symbol" s;
| _ ->
(* For a block-scoped, non-"extern" variable, a new declaration
is entered, and it has no linkage. *)
if local && sto <> Storage_extern then begin
let (id, env') = Env.enter_ident env s sto ty in
(id, sto, env', ty, false)
(new_id, sto, Env.add_ident env new_id sto ty, ty, false)
end else begin
(* For a file-scoped or "extern" variable, we need to check against
prior declarations of this variable with internal or external linkage.
The variable has linkage. *)
match previous_def Env.lookup_ident !top_environment s with
| Some(id, Env.II_ident(old_sto, old_ty)) ->
| Some(old_id, Env.II_ident(old_sto, old_ty)) ->
let (new_sto, new_ty) =
combine_toplevel_definitions loc env s old_sto old_ty sto ty in
(id, new_sto, Env.add_ident env id new_sto new_ty, new_ty, true)
(old_id, new_sto, Env.add_ident env old_id new_sto new_ty, new_ty, true)
| _ ->
let (id, env') = Env.enter_ident env s sto ty in
(id, sto, env', ty, true)
(new_id, sto, Env.add_ident env new_id sto ty, ty, true)

(* We use two variants of [enter_or_refine]:
- [enter_or_refine_ident] is to be used for all declarations,
block-scoped ([local = true]) or top-level ([local = false]).
The name of the declared thing is given as a string [s]. If a
previous declaration with this name exists in the current scope,
its unique identifier is returned. Otherwise a fresh identifier
named [s] is created in the current scope of [env] and returned.
- [enter_or_refine_function] is to be used for function definitions.
Such definitions are always global, hence the [local] parameter
defaults to [false] and is omitted. The function name is given
as an identifier, created in advance by the caller. This
identifier is used if no previous declaration exists for the
function. Otherwise, the identifier of the previous declaration is
used. By creating the identifier in advance, [elab_fundef] makes
sure that it is properly scoped to file scope and not to the local
scope of function parameters.

let enter_or_refine_ident local loc env s sto ty =
enter_or_refine_ident_base local loc env (Env.fresh_ident s) sto ty

let enter_or_refine_function loc env id sto ty =
enter_or_refine_ident_base false loc env id sto ty

(* Forward declarations *)

let elab_expr_f : (cabsloc -> Env.t -> Cabs.expression -> C.exp * Env.t) ref
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -688,7 +713,14 @@ and elab_return_type loc env ty =
error loc "function cannot return function type %a" (print_typ env) ty
| _ -> ()

and elab_type_declarator loc env ty kr_ok = function
(* The [?fundef] parameter is true if we're elaborating a function definition
and false otherwise. When [fundef = true], K&R function declarators
are allowed, and the returned environment includes bindings for the
function parameters and the struct/unions they may define.
When [fundef = false], K&R function declarators are rejected
and declarations in parameters are not returned. *)

and elab_type_declarator ?(fundef = false) loc env ty = function
| Cabs.JUSTBASE ->
((ty, None), env)
| Cabs.ARRAY(d, cv_specs, sz) ->
Expand All @@ -712,31 +744,37 @@ and elab_type_declarator loc env ty kr_ok = function
| None ->
error loc "size of array is not a compile-time constant";
Some 1L in (* produces better error messages later *)
elab_type_declarator loc env (TArray(ty, sz', a)) kr_ok d
elab_type_declarator ~fundef loc env (TArray(ty, sz', a)) d
| Cabs.PTR(cv_specs, d) ->
let (ty, a) = get_nontype_attrs env ty in
let a = add_attributes a (elab_cvspecs env cv_specs) in
elab_type_declarator loc env (TPtr(ty, a)) kr_ok d
elab_type_declarator ~fundef loc env (TPtr(ty, a)) d
| Cabs.PROTO(d, (params, vararg)) ->
elab_return_type loc env ty;
let (ty, a) = get_nontype_attrs env ty in
let (params', _) = elab_parameters env params in
(* Temporary: we discard the extended environment returned by
elab_parameters, on the assumption that this is the end of
the scope introduced to treat the parameters. This is a
correct assumption if we're in a function declaration.
For a function definition, more work is needed and will come later. *)
elab_type_declarator loc env (TFun(ty, Some params', vararg, a)) kr_ok d
let (params', env') = elab_parameters env params in
(* For a function declaration (fundef = false), the scope introduced
to treat parameters ends here, so we discard the extended
environment env' returned by elab_parameters.
For a function definition (fundef = true) we return the
extended environment env' so that it can serve as the basis
to elaborating the function body. *)
let env'' = if fundef then env' else env in
elab_type_declarator ~fundef loc env'' (TFun(ty, Some params', vararg, a)) d
| Cabs.PROTO_OLD(d, params) ->
elab_return_type loc env ty;
let (ty, a) = get_nontype_attrs env ty in
(* For consistency with the PROTO case above, for a function definition
(fundef = true) we open a new scope, even though we do not
add any bindings for the parameters. *)
let env'' = if fundef then Env.new_scope env else env in
match params with
| [] ->
elab_type_declarator loc env (TFun(ty, None, false, a)) kr_ok d
elab_type_declarator ~fundef loc env'' (TFun(ty, None, false, a)) d
| _ ->
if not kr_ok || d <> Cabs.JUSTBASE then
if not fundef || d <> Cabs.JUSTBASE then
fatal_error loc "illegal old-style K&R function definition";
((TFun(ty, None, false, a), Some params), env)
((TFun(ty, None, false, a), Some params), env'')

(* Elaboration of parameters in a prototype *)

Expand All @@ -754,7 +792,7 @@ and elab_parameter env (PARAM (spec, id, decl, attr, loc)) =
let (sto, inl, noret, tydef, bty, env1) = elab_specifier loc env spec in
if tydef then
error loc "'typedef' used in function parameter";
let ((ty, _), _) = elab_type_declarator loc env1 bty false decl in
let ((ty, _), _) = elab_type_declarator loc env1 bty decl in
let ty = add_attributes_type (elab_attributes env attr) ty in
if sto <> Storage_default && sto <> Storage_register then
error loc (* NB: 'auto' not allowed *)
Expand All @@ -774,15 +812,24 @@ and elab_parameter env (PARAM (spec, id, decl, attr, loc)) =
let (id', env2) = Env.enter_ident env1 id sto ty1 in
( (id', ty1) , env2)

(* Elaboration of a (specifier, Cabs "name") pair *)
(* Elaboration of a (specifier, Cabs "name") pair as found in a function
definition. Returns two environments: the first is [env]
enriched with struct/union definitions from the return type,
as usual; the second is like the first, plus a new scope.
For a prototyped function ([kr_params = None]) the new scope
includes bindings for the function parameters and the struct/unions
they may define. For a K&R function ([kr_params <> None]) the new
scope is empty. *)

and elab_fundef_name env spec (Name (id, decl, attr, loc)) =
and elab_fundef_name env spec (Name (s, decl, attr, loc)) =
let (sto, inl, noret, tydef, bty, env') = elab_specifier loc env spec in
if tydef then
error loc "'typedef' is forbidden here";
let ((ty, kr_params), env'') = elab_type_declarator loc env' bty true decl in
let id = Env.fresh_ident s in
let ((ty, kr_params), env'') =
elab_type_declarator ~fundef:true loc env' bty decl in
let a = elab_attributes env attr in
(id, sto, inl, noret, add_attributes_type a ty, kr_params, env'')
(id, sto, inl, noret, add_attributes_type a ty, kr_params, env', env'')

(* Elaboration of a name group. C99 section 6.7.6 *)

Expand All @@ -797,7 +844,7 @@ and elab_name_group loc env (spec, namelist) =
error loc "'_Noreturn' is forbidden here";
let elab_one_name env (Name (id, decl, attr, loc)) =
let ((ty, _), env1) =
elab_type_declarator loc env bty false decl in
elab_type_declarator loc env bty decl in
let a = elab_attributes env attr in
((id, add_attributes_type a ty), env1) in
(mmap elab_one_name env' namelist, sto)
Expand All @@ -811,7 +858,7 @@ and elab_init_name_group loc env (spec, namelist) =
error loc "'_Noreturn' can only appear on functions";
let elab_one_name env (Init_name (Name (id, decl, attr, loc), init)) =
let ((ty, _), env1) =
elab_type_declarator loc env bty false decl in
elab_type_declarator loc env bty decl in
let a = elab_attributes env attr in
if inl && not (is_function_type env ty) then
error loc "'inline' can only appear on functions";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1061,7 +1108,7 @@ and elab_enum only loc tag optmembers attrs env =

let elab_type loc env spec decl =
let (sto, inl, noret, tydef, bty, env') = elab_specifier loc env spec in
let ((ty, _), env'') = elab_type_declarator loc env' bty false decl in
let ((ty, _), env'') = elab_type_declarator loc env' bty decl in
(* NB: it seems the parser doesn't accept any of the specifiers below.
We keep the error message as extra safety. *)
if sto <> Storage_default || inl || noret || tydef then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2388,9 +2435,19 @@ let inherit_vararg env s sto ty =

(* Function definitions *)

let elab_fundef env spec name defs body loc =
let (s, sto, inline, noret, ty, kr_params, env1) =
elab_fundef_name env spec name in
let elab_fundef genv spec name defs body loc =
(* We maintain two environments:
- genv is the "global", file-scope environment. It is enriched
with the declaration of the function, and also with
structs and unions defined as part of its return type.
- lenv is the "local" environment used to elaborate the function body.
It contains everything that genv contains, including
a declaration for the function, so as to support recursive calls.
In addition, it contains declarations for function parameters
and structs and unions defined in the parameter list. *)
let (fun_id, sto, inline, noret, ty, kr_params, genv, lenv) =
elab_fundef_name genv spec name in
let s = in
if sto = Storage_auto || sto = Storage_register then
fatal_error loc "invalid storage class %s on function"
(name_of_storage_class sto);
Expand All @@ -2403,65 +2460,78 @@ let elab_fundef env spec name defs body loc =
(* Process the parameters and the K&R declarations, if any, to obtain:
- [ty]: the full, prototyped type of the function
- [extra_decls]: extra declarations to be inserted at the
beginning of the function *)
let (ty, extra_decls,env1) =
beginning of the function
- [lenv]: a first cut at the local environment, containing in particular
the structs and unions defined in the parameter list. *)
let (ty, extra_decls, lenv) =
match ty, kr_params with
| TFun(ty_ret, None, vararg, attr), None ->
(TFun(ty_ret, Some [], vararg, attr), [],env1)
(TFun(ty_ret, Some [], vararg, attr), [], lenv)
| ty, None ->
(ty, [],env1)
(ty, [], lenv)
| TFun(ty_ret, None, false, attr), Some params ->
warning loc CompCert_conformance "non-prototype, pre-standard function definition, converting to prototype form";
let (params', extra_decls,env) =
elab_KR_function_parameters env params defs loc in
(TFun(ty_ret, Some params', inherit_vararg env s sto ty, attr), extra_decls,env)
let (params', extra_decls, lenv) =
elab_KR_function_parameters lenv params defs loc in
(TFun(ty_ret, Some params', inherit_vararg genv s sto ty, attr), extra_decls, lenv)
| _, Some params ->
assert false
(* Extract infos from the type of the function *)
(* Extract infos from the type of the function.
Checks on the return type must be done in the global environment. *)
let (ty_ret, params, vararg, attr) =
match ty with
| TFun(ty_ret, Some params, vararg, attr) ->
if wrap incomplete_type loc env1 ty_ret && not (is_void_type env ty_ret) then
if wrap incomplete_type loc genv ty_ret && not (is_void_type genv ty_ret) then
fatal_error loc "incomplete result type %a in function definition"
(print_typ env) ty_ret;
(print_typ genv) ty_ret;
(ty_ret, params, vararg, attr)
| _ -> fatal_error loc "wrong type for function definition" in
(* Enter function in the environment, for recursive references *)
let (fun_id, sto1, env1, new_ty, _) =
enter_or_refine_ident false loc env1 s sto ty in
(* Enter function in the global environment *)
let (fun_id, sto1, genv, new_ty, _) =
enter_or_refine_function loc genv fun_id sto ty in
add_global_define loc s;
(* Also enter it in the local environment, for recursive references *)
let lenv = Env.add_ident lenv fun_id sto new_ty in
(* Take into account attributes from previous declarations of the function *)
let attr = attributes_of_type env1 new_ty in
let attr = attributes_of_type genv new_ty in
(* Additional checks on function parameters *)
let incomplete_param env ty =
if wrap incomplete_type loc env ty then
fatal_error loc "parameter has incomplete type" in
(* Enter parameters and extra declarations in the environment *)
let env2 =
(* Enter parameters and extra declarations in the local environment.
For K&R functions this hasn't been done yet.
For prototyped functions this has been done by [elab_fundef_name]
already, but some parameter may have been shadowed by the
function name, while it should be the other way around, e.g.
[int f(int f) { return f+1; }], with [f] refering to the
parameter [f] and not to the function [f] within the body of the
function. *)
let lenv =
List.fold_left (fun e (id, ty) -> incomplete_param e ty;
Env.add_ident e id Storage_default ty)
(Env.new_scope env1) params in
let env2 =
lenv params in
let lenv =
List.fold_left (fun e (sto, id, ty, init) -> Env.add_ident e id sto ty)
env2 extra_decls in
(* Define "__func__" and enter it in the environment *)
lenv extra_decls in
(* Define "__func__" and enter it in the local environment *)
let (func_ty, func_init) = __func__type_and_init s in
let (func_id, _, env3, func_ty, _) =
enter_or_refine_ident true loc env2 "__func__" Storage_static func_ty in
emit_elab ~debuginfo:false env3 loc
let (func_id, _, lenv, func_ty, _) =
enter_or_refine_ident true loc lenv "__func__" Storage_static func_ty in
emit_elab ~debuginfo:false lenv loc
(Gdecl(Storage_static, func_id, func_ty, Some func_init));
(* Elaborate function body *)
let body1 = !elab_funbody_f ty_ret vararg env3 body in
let body1 = !elab_funbody_f ty_ret vararg lenv body in
(* Analyse it for returns *)
let (can_return, can_fallthrough) = Cflow.function_returns env3 body1 in
let (can_return, can_fallthrough) = Cflow.function_returns lenv body1 in
(* Special treatment of the "main" function. *)
let body2 =
if s = "main" then begin
if inline then
error loc "'main' is not allowed to be declared inline";
if noret then
warning loc Unnamed "'main' is not allowed to be declared _Noreturn";
match unroll env ty_ret with
match unroll genv ty_ret with
| TInt(IInt, []) ->
(* Add implicit "return 0;" at end of function body.
If we trusted the return analysis, we would do this only if
Expand All @@ -2474,7 +2544,7 @@ let elab_fundef env spec name defs body loc =
end else begin
(* For non-"main" functions, warn if the body can fall through
and the return type is not "void". *)
if can_fallthrough && not (is_void_type env ty_ret) then
if can_fallthrough && not (is_void_type genv ty_ret) then
warning loc Return_type "control reaches end of non-void function";
end in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2503,8 +2573,8 @@ let elab_fundef env spec name defs body loc =
fd_vararg = vararg;
fd_locals = [];
fd_body = body3 } in
emit_elab ~linkage:true env1 loc (Gfundef fn);
emit_elab ~linkage:true genv loc (Gfundef fn);

(* Definitions *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2832,8 +2902,16 @@ let elab_funbody return_typ vararg env b =
ctx_break = false;
ctx_continue = false;
ctx_in_switch = false;
ctx_vararg = vararg;} in
fst(elab_stmt env ctx b)
ctx_vararg = vararg } in
(* The function body appears as a block in the AST but should not create
a new scope. Instead, the scope used for function parameters must be
used for the body. *)
match b with
| BLOCK (b,loc) ->
let b',_ = elab_block_body env ctx b in
{ sdesc = Sblock b'; sloc = elab_loc loc }
| _ ->
assert false

(* Filling in forward declaration *)
let _ = elab_funbody_f := elab_funbody
Expand Down

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