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lenkeetong edited this page Jan 2, 2015 · 1 revision

Service Solahart + (021) 34082652 – 082122541663 service wika swh tidak panas, bocor, bongkar pasang, pemasangan pipa air panas & air dingin pengecekan berkala & lain lain CV. Davinatama Service Jakarta Indonesia

GET /api/v1/chaos

This will fetch all chaos events in the last 24 hours. Output is always json.

$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/v1/chaos
        "monkeyType": "CHAOS",
        "eventType": "CHAOS_TERMINATION",
        "eventTime": 1343233763683,
        "groupType": "ASG",
        "groupName": "simianarmy",
        "instanceId": "i-804f7cf8"

Response Description

Name Type Description
monkeyType string The monkey that created the event
eventType string The event type
eventTime long int The time the event occurred in milliseconds since the epoch
groupType string The group type for the termination (ex: ASG for AutoScalingGroup)
groupName string The group name for the termination (the name of the ASG)
instanceId string The Instance ID that was terminated.

Query Parameters

Any of the above attributes can be passed as query parameters to restrict the query results. There is an added since=<ms timestamp> query parameter to change the time-frame for the interested events. The default for since is 24 hours in the past.

$ curl 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/chaos?groupName=simianarmy&since=1343113200000'
        "monkeyType": "CHAOS",
        "eventType": "CHAOS_TERMINATION",
        "eventTime": 1343233763683,
        "groupType": "ASG",
        "groupName": "simianarmy",
        "instanceId": "i-804f7cf8"
        "monkeyType": "CHAOS",
        "eventType": "CHAOS_TERMINATION",
        "eventTime": 1343158781228,
        "groupType": "ASG",
        "groupName": "simianarmy",
        "instanceId": "i-06cae07e"

POST /api/v1/janitor

This will add a new Janitor Monkey event. The main purpose is to flag a resource as not being cleaned by Janitor Monkey (opt out the resource) or to remove such flag (opt in the resource). Input is in Json format.

To flag a resource as not being cleaned by Janitor Monkey:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/simianarmy/api/v1/janitor -d '{"eventType":"OPTOUT","resourceId":"foo"}'

To opt in the resource so it can be managed by Janitor Monkey again.

$ curl http://localhost:8080/simianarmy/api/v1/janitor -d '{"eventType":"OPTIN","resourceId":"foo"}'
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