NRE-Math is the mathematical module used in NearlyRealEngine
It regroup simple mathematical class and a generic implementation for international unit system.
Vector 2D, 3D, 4D :
Vector regroup all methods to describe a cartesian 2D, 3D, 4D vector. 3D & 4D Vector represent 2D & 3D homogeneous Vector.
All bases operations are supported : +, -, *, /, dot product (|), cross product (^), ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=
Normalisation, distance computation, individual elements access (getter or [ ]). -
Point 2D, 3D, 4D :
Simple aliases on Vector -
Matrix 3x3, 4x4 :
Allow simple use to create transformation matrix.
All bases operations are supported : +, -, *, /, ==, !=
Possible transformations :
* Translation
* Rotation
* Sheer
* Scale
* Squeeze
* Perspective
* Orthogonal
Transformations can be apply by multiplying the matrix with a supported object :
* Vector
* Point
* Plane
* Segment
* BezierCurve -
Segment 3D, 4D :
Represent 2D & 3D homogeneous Segments -
BezierCurve 3D, 4D :
Represent 2D & 3D homogeneous Bezier Curves -
Frustum :
Represent a view frustum, used in collaboration with camera to set up a perspective camera -
Plane :
Represent a 3D plane, it's use 3D homogeneous coordinates to allow simple transformations with a matrix -
Quaternion :
Represent a simple quaternion, can be converted to a 4x4 matrix in order to represent a rotation matrix.