Landing Page Project
The starter project has some HTML and CSS styling to display a static version of the Landing Page project. I'll convert this project from a static project to an interactive one. I modifie the HTML to add (section 4 -linking your app.js), CSS files to make responsive and build the JavaScript file.
1-Start by linking your app.js. 2-Build out your HTML 4 content sections by add section 4. 3-get access to an element (unorderd list) which has an ID by document.getElementById("") 4-add list(li) to ul to make navigation bar by for loop and element.innerHTML (Appending HTML to an element) by crate function 5-Add an active state to navigation items when a section is in the viewport. This has two basic steps. a-.getBoundingClientRect(), b-Make sections active using document.addEventListener("scroll", function() { makeActive();}); 6-make scroll to the appropriate section when clicking an item from the navigation menu using document.addEventListener("click", function(event),scrollIntoView(),preventDefault() ; 7-Responsive landing page by media query
my resources udacity resources and instruction for project. MDN Documentation W3school