The website resembles Facebook with features such as user registration, profile customization, posting content, reacting to posts/comments, following/unfollowing other users, favoriting posts, and viewing follower/following lists , and responsive for all devices.
- user and admin registeration.
- add posts.
- delete or edit your posts only.
- add react and comment in posts.
- delete your react or comment in posts.
- follow and follow back.
- see all follower and all following.
- edit user information.
- add post or delete it from favourite posts.
- show all your favourite posts.
- reactjs
- context api
- typescript
- tailwind for styling
- toast library for notification
- cookies
- .net web api
- entity framework core
- jwt for token
- user manger for mange users and roles
- sql database
In the future, I plan to add more features to the project.