-clone the git repository
-Execute npm install
on the same path as the root directory of the downloaded project
-create a new .env file in the root directory and add the following enviroment variables
-Inside the 'src/config' folder create a new file 'config.json' and then add the following json
{ "development": { "username": "your-db-login name", "password": "your-db-password", "database": "Remainder_DB_DEV", "host": "", "dialect": "mysql" }, }
"once you have added the json file just go to git and write npx sequelize db:create
and to connect to sql server run npx sequelize db:migrate
- RabbitMQ is an open-source message-broker software that is used for inter-service communication.
- It recieves and store request from a service.It will store the request until the recieving service is down.Once the recieving service is online it will send the request to the corresponding service.
- Please refer to the RabbitMq site to know more (https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/tutorial-one-javascript.html)
-Reminder-A flight booking when succesfull will have reciepentEmail-subject-content-status-NotificationTime
We we have a successfull booking we are going to send the email vai NodeMailer which we can insall with npm i nodemailer
.This package allows us to send mail with ease.Refer to the npm package.We can use any service to send mail.Here we are using gmail service.
-We are going to set up the notification time to be 48hrs before the flight takes off.We are going to set up cron jobs which you can get by npm i node-cron
.After every interval of few minutes it makes a query to the db asking for the mails where the notificationTime is less than 48hrs before the flight. We are then going to make a query asking the customers mail-id and send the mail.