This is the Node.js monitoring agent for SPM performance monitoring from Sematext.
The following information is collected and transmitted to SPM (Cloud or On-Premises version):
- OS Metrics (CPU / Mem)
- Process Memory
- EventLoop stats
- Garbage Collector stats
- Web server stats (requests, error rate, response times etc.)
Working for all web servers frameworks that use Node.js http/https module including
- "connect" based frameworks
- Express.js,
- Sails.js
- Hapi.js
- Restify
- and others ...
The module is able to run in cluster mode (master/worker).
Supported Node-Versions: Node >= 0.10, 0.12, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x
Please check our blog for more information or contact us at [email protected].
npm install spm-agent-nodejs
Get a free account and create a Node.js API token at
We use for configuration. This means config parameters can be passed via several config locations command-line args or ENV variables. We recommend to use a file in current directory in INI or JSON format called ".spmagentrc". This file can be generated by providing setting and environment variable and calling a helper script:
node ./node_modules/spm-agent-nodejs/bin/spmconfig.js
The command above generates following default configuration file (YAML format):
# Directory for buffered metrics
dbDir: ./spmdb
# Application Token for SPM
# log file directory default is ./spmlogs
dir: ./spmlogs
# silent = true means no creation of log files
silent: false
# log level for output - debug, info, error, defaults to error to be quiet
level: error
The only required setting is the SPM Application Token, this could be set via config file ".spmagentrc" or environment variable:
export spmagent_tokens__spm=YOUR-SPM-APP-TOKEN
Please note the use of double "_" for nested properties
export SPM_TOKEN=token
# default is SaaS at, URL needs to be changed for on-prem to the local SPM receiver
export SPM_RECEIVER_URL=https://local-spm-server:8084/_bulk
export EVENTS_RECEIVER_URL=https://local-event-receiver/
export SPM_DB_DIR=/tmp
export SPM_LOG_DIRECTORY=./logs
export SPM_LOG_LEVEL=error
export SPM_LOG_TO_CONSOLE=true
export HTTPS_PROXY=http://my-local-proxy-server
Add this line at the begin of your source code / main script / app.js
var spmAgent = require ('spm-agent-nodejs')
There is an alternative using latest 4.x and 5.x releases. It supports a command line option "-r" to preload node modules before the actual application is started. In this case the original source code needs no modification:
node -r './spm-agent-nodejs' yourApp.js
Please visit our WIKI for more information
Please check out spm-metrics-js to monitor any custom metric in your application.
sematext-agent-docker, aka Sematext Agent for Docker
Apache 2 - see LICENSE file.