Make sure to edit the code in the src folder to replace the real database in the global variable SQL_URL (or follow the instructions below to create a dummy db).
Go into this directory
cd toia-dm
Install Conda environment using
conda env create -f toia_dm.yml
Install MySql. On Mac:
brew install mysql
Start MySql and launch mysql prompt. On Mac:
mysql.server start
mysql -uroot
Source db schema file:
mysql.server startsource data/toia_db.sql
Use toia db, and add some dummy data:
use toia
INSERT INTO toia_user(id,first_name,last_name,language,email,password) VALUES (1,"Jon","Doe","en-US","[email protected]","abc123");
INSERT INTO video(id_video,type,toia_id,idx,private,question,answer,language,likes,views) VALUES("ef1","answer",1,1,0,"How are you?","I am fine thanks!","en-US",5,14);
INSERT INTO video(id_video,type,toia_id,idx,private,question,answer,language,likes,views) VALUES("0b2","answer",1,2,0,"What is your favorite sport?","I love soccer!","en-US",2,5);
... and so on. Some example are in data/populate_dummy_data.sql
And run Flask app:
python src/
Test using GET request to /dialogue_manager route, send json with body like below:
"query" : "what do you do",
"avatar_id" : "1"
Can do in command line using curl, or using postman (screenshot below)
curl -X GET -d @test/request.json -H "Content-Type: application/json"