A trivia game, with multiple questions across various categories
Clone this repo, and cd into the directory
Running the Frontend:
npm install
npm start
Backend is running Ruby on Rails with PostgresSQL on a Heroku server. It may take some time to load initially.
The questions were seeded on the backend and fetched with the HTTParty gem
difficulties = ['easy', 'medium', 'hard']
categories = (1..15).to_a
trivia_url = "https://opentdb.com/api.php?amount=20&category=#{category_number}&difficulty=#{level}&type=multiple"
trivia_data = HTTParty.get(trivia_url)
sanitizeQuest = CGI.unescapeHTML(category_question['question'])
sanitizeAns = CGI.unescapeHTML(category_question['correct_answer'])
cat = Category.find_or_create_by(name: category_question['category'])
quest = Question.new(question: sanitizeQuest, r_ans: sanitizeAns, category: cat)
quest.w_ans1 = CGI.unescapeHTML(category_question['incorrect_answers'][0])
quest.w_ans2 = CGI.unescapeHTML(category_question['incorrect_answers'][1])
quest.w_ans3 = CGI.unescapeHTML(category_question['incorrect_answers'][2])
Open Trivia DB
Randomly generated questions provided by the Open Trivia DB API through 6 different categories.
The trivia game gives a chance of 8/8 questions with 5 failed attempts before the game is over
After completing the trivia, there's a chance to add your name to the list of scores
- Javascript
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgresSQL
- Open Trivia API