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This is a collection of scripts for benchmarking caching setups and visualization of the results.
Nothing concerning the caching setup is done with these scripts: it is the responsibility of the user to (de-)activate any caching functionality and to control/check the presence of files in the cache space.


To provide a varity of different file sizes and event numbers, three files are used: small (1.3 GB, 50k events), medium (5.2 GB, 200k events), and large (13 GB, 500k events). The files contain simulated ttbar events and can be downloaded at .
Members of the ATLAS collaboration can get the files from UNI-FREIBURG_LOCALGROUPDISK:


An example setup to download the files is:

source /cvmfs/
lsetup rucio
voms-proxy-init -voms atlas
rucio download user.dsammel:small.root user.dsammel:medium.root user.dsammel:large.root --rse UNI-FREIBURG_LOCALGROUPDISK

File creation

The files can also be created with pythia8.C:

Follow the instructions on and (Standalone usage) to install PYTHIA8, e.g. in the folder pythia8. An installation of ROOT is required.

Compile in pythia8/examples

To simulate events with the CLI, start ROOT and execute the following commands:

.x pythia8.C(50000)

This will simulate 50k events and store the output in pytree.root.


ROOT and python3 are required for running the benchmarks. An example setup for members of the ATLAS collaboration is:

source /cvmfs/
lsetup "root 6.22.06-x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt"

The benchmarks are steered with

usage: [-h] [-l LOG_FOLDER] [-i IDENTIFIER] [-e NUM_EVENTS]
                    [-s SITE] [-fs FILE_SIZE] [-d]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LOG_FOLDER, --log_folder LOG_FOLDER
                        location of log files
  -i IDENTIFIER, --identifier IDENTIFIER
                        identifier for the log files
  -e NUM_EVENTS, --events NUM_EVENTS
                        number of events
  -s SITE, --site SITE  site (freiburg, kit, triumf, local, ...)
  -fs FILE_SIZE, --file_size FILE_SIZE
                        size of the file (s, m, l)
  -d, --debug           enable creation of debug files

The available sites and files are defined in sites.ini and files.ini.

Site example:

site_url = root://
site_folder = /pnfs/

File example:

file_name = small.root
sub_folder = fb/5a/
max_events = 50000

Additional sites and files can be added by following this format. The sites triumf and kit are just examples and will probably not work, since the replicas of the files have a lifetime and will eventually be deleted. freiburg should work, since there the files have infinite lifetime.
If the files are replicated to any other site, the fields site_url and site_folder in sites.ini, and the field sub_folder in files.ini have to be adjusted. There's also the local option in sites.ini:

site_url = 
site_folder = /path/to/folder/with/files/

This can be used to access local copies of the files. site_url has to remain empty and site_folder has to be adjusted accordingly. calls (see next section). The time for the completion of and information about the used options are then stored in a .json file.

The actual work is done in

usage: [-h] [-f FILE_NAME] [-e NUM_EVENTS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE_NAME, --file FILE_NAME
                        path to file
  -e NUM_EVENTS, --events NUM_EVENTS
                        number of events

Several operations that happen in typical analyses are performed:
The file is opened with PyROOT and a loop over the number of events is performed. In the loop, the number of particles is retrieved for each event. Another loop is performed over the number of particles. For each particle, the pseudorapidity is retrieved and filled in a histogram. In addition, a four-vector is constructed of all outgoing particles. The mass of this four-vector, which represents the ttbar system, is retrieved and stored in a histogram.

The output of is just 1 result for 1 site, 1 file, and 1 number of events. To collect statistics for different combinations of options, can be used.

usage: [-h] [-c CYCLES] [-l LOG_FOLDER] [-e NUM_EVENTS [NUM_EVENTS ...]] [-s SITES [SITES ...]] [-fs FILE_SIZES [FILE_SIZES ...]] [-d]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CYCLES, --cycles CYCLES
                        number of cycles
  -l LOG_FOLDER, --log_folder LOG_FOLDER
                        location of log files
                        list of number of events (e.g. -e 1 10 100)
  -s SITES [SITES ...], --sites SITES [SITES ...]
                        list of sites (e.g. -s freiburg local)
  -fs FILE_SIZES [FILE_SIZES ...], --file_sizes FILE_SIZES [FILE_SIZES ...]
                        list of files sizes (e.g. -fs s m l)
  -d, --debug           enable creation of debug files

The script performs nested loops over the number of events, files sizes, and sites, and calls with the respective arguments. As identifier, a simple timestamp is used.


Python can be used to visualize the results. The necessary packages for the example provided in this repository can be installed in a virtual environment with pip. To avoid potential conflicts, this should be done in a new session, i.e. without the ROOT setup from the benchmarking step.

Creation of the virtual environment:

python3 -m venv virtual_environment

Activation of the virtual environment:

source virtual_environment/bin/activate

Installation of the packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Only the "Activation" step has to be done in later sessions.

The first step is the aggregation of all created logfiles with using Pandas.

usage: [-h] [-l LOG_FOLDER] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LOG_FOLDER, --log_folder LOG_FOLDER
                        location of log files
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file OUTPUT_FILE
                        name of output file

The script creates a dataframe using all .json files that are present in the path specified with -l. The dataframe is stored in the csv format, but Pandas offers many other options.

Finally, uses the information in the dataframe to create plots using Matplotlib and Seaborn.

usage: [-h] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT_PATH]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        location of the csv file
  -o OUTPUT_PATH, --output_path OUTPUT_PATH
                        path to store the figures

The script contains two examples: one plot with all the results separated by site, file size, and number of events, and one plot where only two sites are compared and where the files sizes have been merged.

Full example test run

If the environment is set up, including a local copy of the files and the modified entry in sites.ini, an example test run would be:

python -c 3 -e 1 100 1000 -s freiburg local -fs s m l

The -s freiburg option only works for members of the ATLAS collaboration.


This will create log files and plots in /tmp/.


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