Tested with Twig 3.7.x with modules in CodeIgniter 4.4.x
Installation :
Step 1 : composer require twig/twig / Doc Doc: https://twig.symfony.com/ Step 2 : composer require twig/cache-extra (bundle cache object method) (optionnal) / Doc https://twig.symfony.com/doc/3.x/tags/cache.html Step 3 : composer require twig/cssinliner-extra (bundle inline css filter) (optionnal) / Doc https://twig.symfony.com/doc/3.x/filters/inline_css.html
Step 4 : Make the Helper twig_helper Step 5 : call twig(true, true) in your controller and enjoy !
first true = cache enabled or no second true = well optimised or no --1 or 0
! do not forget to make your base.TWIG for made a template ;)
Warning Tips: If you make a modules in your APP CI, do not define a render route to APP/PATH/THEME becauses the modules use others routes and controllers directory, in my exemple you have a possibility to change the render final view in controller directly
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