The BEAVRS benchmark (Benchmark for Evaluation And Validation of Reactor Simulations) represents a 4-loop Westinghouse plant with a detailed description of fuel assemblies, burnable absorbers, in-core fission detectors, core loading and re-loading patterns. This benchmark enables analysts to develop extremely detailed reactor core models that can be used for testing and validation of coupled neutron transport, thermal-hydraulics, and fuel isotopic depletion. The benchmark also provides measured reactor data and assocaited uncertainties for Hot Zero Power (HZP) physics tests, boron letdown curves, and three-dimensional in-core flux maps from 58 instrumented assemblies.
This repository contains the latest release of BEAVRS, including:
- documentation: pdf and latex source files for the specifications and UQ report
- measurement data: detector signals, power history, boron letdown, etc
- models: inputs of simulation codes (e.g., OpenMC) for BEAVRS
BEAVRS Users Group:!forum/beavrs-users