This repo is for the mobile developers. We are going to use Flutter and Dart programming language to build this game.
U-Smart is a trivia mobile game in which players have to guess the answers of questions by choosing the desired option. The intent of the game is to increase brain activity, while killing boredom. Link to PRD:
The game will have the following features:
A Splash Screen: The app opens with a splash screen that displays the logo and a loading animation.
Home Screen: Displays the app’s main menu with options: ‘Play Now’, ‘Categories’, ‘Settings’, and ‘Profile’.
Category/Game Mode Selection: Players can make a game mode selection, such as "Easy", "Medium" or "Hard" and select from a list of categories to choose from.
Correct Answers Display: The questions are displayed and the correct or incorrect answers pop up depending on which option a player chooses.
Score Display: The game ends when the players answer all the questions and their score is displayed as well.
Settings: This feature houses basic settings that includes adjusting sound, game difficulty etc for players' preference.
User Profile: Players can view their score histories and other achievements if there are any.
link to TRD:
Link to our contribution guide
Kindly go through our contribution guide if you intend to contribute to this project.