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Allow unknown failure messages.
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Extract failure code to test PERM and NODE bits.
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t-bast committed Aug 30, 2019
1 parent 09cf327 commit a802c7b
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Expand Up @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ class Relayer(nodeParams: NodeParams, register: ActorRef, paymentHandler: ActorR
case Left(badOnion) =>
log.warning(s"couldn't parse onion: reason=${badOnion.message}")
val cmdFail = CMD_FAIL_MALFORMED_HTLC(, badOnion.onionHash, FailureMessageCodecs.failureCode(badOnion), commit = true)
val cmdFail = CMD_FAIL_MALFORMED_HTLC(, badOnion.onionHash, badOnion.code, commit = true)"rejecting htlc #${} paymentHash=${add.paymentHash} from channelId=${add.channelId} reason=malformed onionHash=${cmdFail.onionHash} failureCode=${cmdFail.failureCode}")
commandBuffer ! CommandBuffer.CommandSend(add.channelId,, cmdFail)
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Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ package fr.acinq.eclair.wire

import fr.acinq.bitcoin.ByteVector32
import fr.acinq.eclair.crypto.Mac32
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.CommonCodecs.{cltvExpiry, millisatoshi, sha256}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.CommonCodecs.{cltvExpiry, discriminatorWithDefault, millisatoshi, sha256}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.FailureMessageCodecs.failureMessageCodec
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.LightningMessageCodecs.{channelUpdateCodec, lightningMessageCodec}
import fr.acinq.eclair.{CltvExpiry, LongToBtcAmount, MilliSatoshi}
import scodec.codecs._
Expand All @@ -30,7 +31,12 @@ import scodec.{Attempt, Codec}

// @formatter:off
sealed trait FailureMessage { def message: String }
sealed trait FailureMessage {
def message: String
// We actually encode the failure message, which is a bit clunky and not particularly efficient.
// It would be nice to be able to get that value from the discriminated codec directly.
lazy val code: Int = failureMessageCodec.encode(this).flatMap(uint16.decode).require.value
sealed trait BadOnion extends FailureMessage { def onionHash: ByteVector32 }
sealed trait Perm extends FailureMessage
sealed trait Node extends FailureMessage
Expand All @@ -53,14 +59,24 @@ case class FeeInsufficient(amount: MilliSatoshi, update: ChannelUpdate) extends
case class ChannelDisabled(messageFlags: Byte, channelFlags: Byte, update: ChannelUpdate) extends Update { def message = "channel is currently disabled" }
case class IncorrectCltvExpiry(expiry: CltvExpiry, update: ChannelUpdate) extends Update { def message = "payment expiry doesn't match the value in the onion" }
case class IncorrectOrUnknownPaymentDetails(amount: MilliSatoshi, height: Long) extends Perm { def message = "incorrect payment details or unknown payment hash" }
/** Deprecated: this failure code allows probing attacks: IncorrectOrUnknownPaymentDetails should be used instead. */
case object IncorrectPaymentAmount extends Perm { def message = "payment amount is incorrect" }
case class ExpiryTooSoon(update: ChannelUpdate) extends Update { def message = "payment expiry is too close to the current block height for safe handling by the relaying node" }
/** Deprecated: this failure code allows probing attacks: IncorrectOrUnknownPaymentDetails should be used instead. */
case object FinalExpiryTooSoon extends FailureMessage { def message = "payment expiry is too close to the current block height for safe handling by the final node" }
case class FinalIncorrectCltvExpiry(expiry: CltvExpiry) extends FailureMessage { def message = "payment expiry doesn't match the value in the onion" }
case class FinalIncorrectHtlcAmount(amount: MilliSatoshi) extends FailureMessage { def message = "payment amount is incorrect in the final htlc" }
case object ExpiryTooFar extends FailureMessage { def message = "payment expiry is too far in the future" }

* We allow remote nodes to send us unknown failure codes (e.g. deprecated failure codes).
* By reading the PERM and NODE bits we can still extract useful information for payment retry even without knowing how
* to decode the failure payload (but we can't extract a channel update or onion hash).
sealed trait UnknownFailureMessage extends FailureMessage {
def message = "unknown failure message"
override def toString = s"$message ($code)"
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
case f: UnknownFailureMessage => f.code == code
case _ => false
// @formatter:on

object FailureMessageCodecs {
Expand All @@ -75,36 +91,43 @@ object FailureMessageCodecs {
// this codec supports both versions for decoding, and will encode with the message type
val channelUpdateWithLengthCodec = variableSizeBytes(uint16, choice(channelUpdateCodecWithType, channelUpdateCodec))

val failureMessageCodec = discriminated[FailureMessage].by(uint16)
.typecase(PERM | 1, provide(InvalidRealm))
.typecase(NODE | 2, provide(TemporaryNodeFailure))
.typecase(PERM | 2, provide(PermanentNodeFailure))
.typecase(PERM | NODE | 3, provide(RequiredNodeFeatureMissing))
.typecase(BADONION | PERM,[InvalidOnionPayload])
.typecase(BADONION | PERM | 4,[InvalidOnionVersion])
.typecase(BADONION | PERM | 5,[InvalidOnionHmac])
.typecase(BADONION | PERM | 6,[InvalidOnionKey])
.typecase(UPDATE | 7, ("channelUpdate" | channelUpdateWithLengthCodec).as[TemporaryChannelFailure])
.typecase(PERM | 8, provide(PermanentChannelFailure))
.typecase(PERM | 9, provide(RequiredChannelFeatureMissing))
.typecase(PERM | 10, provide(UnknownNextPeer))
.typecase(UPDATE | 11, (("amountMsat" | millisatoshi) :: ("channelUpdate" | channelUpdateWithLengthCodec)).as[AmountBelowMinimum])
.typecase(UPDATE | 12, (("amountMsat" | millisatoshi) :: ("channelUpdate" | channelUpdateWithLengthCodec)).as[FeeInsufficient])
.typecase(UPDATE | 13, (("expiry" | cltvExpiry) :: ("channelUpdate" | channelUpdateWithLengthCodec)).as[IncorrectCltvExpiry])
.typecase(UPDATE | 14, ("channelUpdate" | channelUpdateWithLengthCodec).as[ExpiryTooSoon])
.typecase(UPDATE | 20, (("messageFlags" | byte) :: ("channelFlags" | byte) :: ("channelUpdate" | channelUpdateWithLengthCodec)).as[ChannelDisabled])
.typecase(PERM | 15, (("amountMsat" | withDefaultValue(optional(bitsRemaining, millisatoshi), 0 msat)) :: ("height" | withDefaultValue(optional(bitsRemaining, uint32), 0L))).as[IncorrectOrUnknownPaymentDetails])
.typecase(PERM | 16, provide(IncorrectPaymentAmount))
.typecase(17, provide(FinalExpiryTooSoon))
.typecase(18, ("expiry" | cltvExpiry).as[FinalIncorrectCltvExpiry])
.typecase(19, ("amountMsat" | millisatoshi).as[FinalIncorrectHtlcAmount])
.typecase(21, provide(ExpiryTooFar))

* Return the failure code for a given failure message. This method actually encodes the failure message, which is a
* bit clunky and not particularly efficient. It shouldn't be used on the application's hot path.
def failureCode(failure: FailureMessage): Int = failureMessageCodec.encode(failure).flatMap(uint16.decode).require.value
val failureMessageCodec = discriminatorWithDefault(
.typecase(PERM | 1, provide(InvalidRealm))
.typecase(NODE | 2, provide(TemporaryNodeFailure))
.typecase(PERM | NODE | 2, provide(PermanentNodeFailure))
.typecase(PERM | NODE | 3, provide(RequiredNodeFeatureMissing))
.typecase(BADONION | PERM,[InvalidOnionPayload])
.typecase(BADONION | PERM | 4,[InvalidOnionVersion])
.typecase(BADONION | PERM | 5,[InvalidOnionHmac])
.typecase(BADONION | PERM | 6,[InvalidOnionKey])
.typecase(UPDATE | 7, ("channelUpdate" | channelUpdateWithLengthCodec).as[TemporaryChannelFailure])
.typecase(PERM | 8, provide(PermanentChannelFailure))
.typecase(PERM | 9, provide(RequiredChannelFeatureMissing))
.typecase(PERM | 10, provide(UnknownNextPeer))
.typecase(UPDATE | 11, (("amountMsat" | millisatoshi) :: ("channelUpdate" | channelUpdateWithLengthCodec)).as[AmountBelowMinimum])
.typecase(UPDATE | 12, (("amountMsat" | millisatoshi) :: ("channelUpdate" | channelUpdateWithLengthCodec)).as[FeeInsufficient])
.typecase(UPDATE | 13, (("expiry" | cltvExpiry) :: ("channelUpdate" | channelUpdateWithLengthCodec)).as[IncorrectCltvExpiry])
.typecase(UPDATE | 14, ("channelUpdate" | channelUpdateWithLengthCodec).as[ExpiryTooSoon])
.typecase(UPDATE | 20, (("messageFlags" | byte) :: ("channelFlags" | byte) :: ("channelUpdate" | channelUpdateWithLengthCodec)).as[ChannelDisabled])
.typecase(PERM | 15, (("amountMsat" | withDefaultValue(optional(bitsRemaining, millisatoshi), 0 msat)) :: ("height" | withDefaultValue(optional(bitsRemaining, uint32), 0L))).as[IncorrectOrUnknownPaymentDetails])
// PERM | 16 (incorrect_payment_amount) has been deprecated because it allowed probing attacks: IncorrectOrUnknownPaymentDetails should be used instead.
// PERM | 17 (final_expiry_too_soon) has been deprecated because it allowed probing attacks: IncorrectOrUnknownPaymentDetails should be used instead.
.typecase(18, ("expiry" | cltvExpiry).as[FinalIncorrectCltvExpiry])
.typecase(19, ("amountMsat" | millisatoshi).as[FinalIncorrectHtlcAmount])
.typecase(21, provide(ExpiryTooFar)),
uint16.xmap(code => {
val failureMessage = code match {
// @formatter:off
case fc if (fc & PERM) != 0 && (fc & NODE) != 0 => new UnknownFailureMessage with Perm with Node { override lazy val code = fc }
case fc if (fc & NODE) != 0 => new UnknownFailureMessage with Node { override lazy val code = fc }
case fc if (fc & PERM) != 0 => new UnknownFailureMessage with Perm { override lazy val code = fc }
case fc => new UnknownFailureMessage { override lazy val code = fc }
// @formatter:on
}, (_: FailureMessage).code)

* An onion-encrypted failure from an intermediate node:
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Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.TestConstants.Alice
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.PaymentLifecycle.ReceivePayment
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.PaymentRequest.ExtraHop
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.{FinalExpiryTooSoon, IncorrectOrUnknownPaymentDetails, UpdateAddHtlc}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.{IncorrectOrUnknownPaymentDetails, UpdateAddHtlc}
import fr.acinq.eclair.{CltvExpiryDelta, Globals, LongToBtcAmount, ShortChannelId, TestConstants, randomKey}
import org.scalatest.FunSuiteLike
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
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Expand Up @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ class PaymentLifecycleSpec extends BaseRouterSpec {
awaitCond(paymentDb.getOutgoingPayment(id).exists(_.status == OutgoingPaymentStatus.FAILED))

test("payment failed (PermanentChannelFailure)") { fixture =>
def testPermanentFailure(fixture: FixtureParam, failure: FailureMessage): Unit = {
import fixture._
val nodeParams = TestConstants.Alice.nodeParams.copy(keyManager = testKeyManager)
val paymentDb = nodeParams.db.payments
Expand All @@ -351,8 +351,6 @@ class PaymentLifecycleSpec extends BaseRouterSpec {
awaitCond(paymentFSM.stateName == WAITING_FOR_PAYMENT_COMPLETE)
val WaitingForComplete(_, _, cmd1, Nil, sharedSecrets1, _, _, hops) = paymentFSM.stateData

val failure = PermanentChannelFailure

relayer.expectMsg(ForwardShortId(channelId_ab, cmd1))
sender.send(paymentFSM, UpdateFailHtlc(ByteVector32.Zeroes, 0, Sphinx.FailurePacket.create(sharedSecrets1.head._1, failure)))

Expand All @@ -366,6 +364,16 @@ class PaymentLifecycleSpec extends BaseRouterSpec {
awaitCond(paymentDb.getOutgoingPayment(id).exists(_.status == OutgoingPaymentStatus.FAILED))

test("payment failed (PermanentChannelFailure)") { fixture =>
testPermanentFailure(fixture, PermanentChannelFailure)

test("payment failed (deprecated permanent failure)") { fixture =>
import scodec.bits.HexStringSyntax
// PERM | 17 (final_expiry_too_soon) has been deprecated but older nodes might still use it.
testPermanentFailure(fixture, FailureMessageCodecs.failureMessageCodec.decode(hex"4011".bits).require.value)

test("payment succeeded") { fixture =>
import fixture._
val defaultPaymentHash = randomBytes32
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Expand Up @@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ class FailureMessageCodecsSpec extends FunSuite {
feeProportionalMillionths = 76,
htlcMaximumMsat = None)

test("encode/decode all channel messages") {
test("encode/decode all failure messages") {
val msgs: List[FailureMessage] =
InvalidRealm :: TemporaryNodeFailure :: PermanentNodeFailure :: RequiredNodeFeatureMissing ::
InvalidOnionVersion(randomBytes32) :: InvalidOnionHmac(randomBytes32) :: InvalidOnionKey(randomBytes32) :: InvalidOnionPayload(randomBytes32) ::
TemporaryChannelFailure(channelUpdate) :: PermanentChannelFailure :: RequiredChannelFeatureMissing :: UnknownNextPeer ::
AmountBelowMinimum(123456 msat, channelUpdate) :: FeeInsufficient(546463 msat, channelUpdate) :: IncorrectCltvExpiry(CltvExpiry(1211), channelUpdate) :: ExpiryTooSoon(channelUpdate) ::
IncorrectOrUnknownPaymentDetails(123456 msat, 1105) :: IncorrectPaymentAmount :: FinalExpiryTooSoon :: FinalIncorrectCltvExpiry(CltvExpiry(1234)) :: ChannelDisabled(0, 1, channelUpdate) :: ExpiryTooFar :: Nil
IncorrectOrUnknownPaymentDetails(123456 msat, 1105) :: FinalIncorrectCltvExpiry(CltvExpiry(1234)) :: ChannelDisabled(0, 1, channelUpdate) :: ExpiryTooFar :: Nil

msgs.foreach {
msg => {
Expand All @@ -58,6 +58,27 @@ class FailureMessageCodecsSpec extends FunSuite {

test("decode unknown failure messages") {
val testCases = Seq(
// Deprecated incorrect_payment_amount.
(false, true, hex"4010"),
// Deprecated final_expiry_too_soon.
(false, true, hex"4011"),
// Unknown failure messages.
(false, false, hex"00ff 42"),
(true, false, hex"20ff 42"),
(true, true, hex"60ff 42")

for ((node, perm, bin) <- testCases) {
val decoded = failureMessageCodec.decode(bin.bits).require.value
assert(decoded.isInstanceOf[Node] === node)
assert(decoded.isInstanceOf[Perm] === perm)

test("bad onion failure code") {
val msgs = Map(
(BADONION | PERM | 4) -> InvalidOnionVersion(randomBytes32),
Expand All @@ -67,7 +88,7 @@ class FailureMessageCodecsSpec extends FunSuite {

for ((code, message) <- msgs) {
assert(failureCode(message) === code)
assert(message.code === code)

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