Finance Charts SDK adds professional-grade financial charting capabilities for native iOS & Android apps.
It is built on top of the SciChart – an award-winning, high-performance chart SDK for iOS, Android, Windows, and JavaScript apps.
Our SDK library may be licensed for inclusion in your trading apps, exchange apps, or investment/brokerage apps, with pricing on the application.
NOTE: To see what could be done with Finance and SciChart, please try our SciTrader iOS and Android.
- Native iOS (Swift) Financial Chart Library
- Build Trading Apps, Exchange Apps, or Investment/Brokerage Apps
- A single View or Control to display a multi-pane stock or financial chart
- Built for CryptoCurrency markets but also suitable for Equities, FX
- Support for 20 built-in Technical Indicators (MACD, RSI, Moving Average, etc)
- Automatic Management of Panels
- Interactive Cursors and Legends
- Auto-fit zoom or manual fit data
- Data management and reactive updates from exchange
- Resizing of panels
- Rich, Touch Zoom, Pan interaction
- Ultra High performance: using gaming technology, achieve fast & smooth charts even on low-end mobile and desktop devices
- Theming, styling
- Whitelabel the iOS Finance SDK into your app
The easiest way to get iOS Finance SDK is to use Swift Package Manager. You can get it using this link:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .branchItem("release_v1"))
NOTE: Finance SDK is built on top of the SciChart library. To use it, you must have an active SciChart license. For more details, please, follow the SciChart iOS Licensing page.
Finance SDK allows you to create a full-blown finance chart app with a few lines of code.
The central place of the Finance SDK is the SciFinanceChart
. It holds studies, panes, data provider, chart modifiers, such as cursor, legend etc.
Let's see how you can create a chart just in a few steps:
- Create
instance and add it as a subview:
let chart = SciFinanceChart()
// Add your chart as any other UIView using Storyboard, SwiftUI or purely in code.
- Create DataProvider.
let candleDataProvider = DefaultCandleDataProvider()
chart.candleDataProvider = candleDataProvider
// fill the dataProvider with your candlestick data
fillDataProvider(candleDataProvider, with: StubDataManager.getCandles())
NOTE: Please follow the DataProvider and DataManager section for more details.
- Create Studies. Study is the object that is responsible for charting business logic. Here you decide what your chart should display and how it should be visualized - as a candlestick, line, column, mountain, etc.
As an example, let's add two studies - PriceSeriesStudy to show candlesticks and RSIStudy to show RSI(Relative Strength Index) indicator:
let priceSeriesStudy = PriceSeriesStudy(pane: PaneId.DEFAULT_PANE)
let rsiStudy = RSIStudy(pane: PaneId.uniqueId(name: "RSI"))
NOTE: Creating our priceSeriesStudy with a
pane id means that we want to place our study on the main pane. If you want it to be a separate pane, create your study with some unique id, as we did with the rsiStudy. Please follow the Pane article for more details.
NOTE: Of course, you can change colors, indicator inputs, and everything else. Please follow the Modify Study Properties section for more details.
- Also, let's enable a cursor:
chart.isCursorEnabled = true
NOTE: By default, the chart has already a few gesture modifiers, like Zoom, Pan, Y-Axis drag, etc. Please follow the Chart Modifiers section for more details.
- Enter the license key.
NOTE: As mentioned above, Finance SDK is built on top of the SciChart library. To see a chart, you must have an active SciChart license. For more details, please, follow the SciChart iOS Licensing page.
After you obtain your license key, use it in your project, like this:
NOTE: Please, follow the Applying the Runtime License in Your App article for more details.
That's it. You've just created a finance chart with candles, indicators, legend, modifiers, resizing, and saved tons of development time.
Study is the object that is responsible for charting business logic. Here you decide what your chart should display and how it should be visualized - as a candlestick, line, column, mountain, etc.
Each of our built-in studies has editable properties, depending on the FinanceSeries type and indicators included in that study. These editable properties are annotated with the @EditableProperty
attribute to allow you to collect all of them in one place, for example, for a study settings view.
NOTE: To see it in action, please try our SciTrader iOS app.
As an example, let's take our RSIStudy
and try to modify its properties. It has two of them - RSIIndicator
and LineFinanceSeries
has also two properties: period and input. By default, period == 14 and input == "close" which means that we want to calulate our RSI based on close prices from our candlesticks. Let's change our period to 50 and input to "open". It will produce the following result:
period == 14, input == "close" | period == 50, input == "open" |
has its own editable properties: opacity and strokeStyle with color, antiAliasing, thickness and strokeDashArray.
NOTE: You can find more about
in the SciChart iOS Documentation
NOTE: All of these properties have some default values to have a nice chart out-of-the-box. Feel free to edit them to match your design requirements.
After some changes, your RSIStudy
might look, like this:
color == Colors.defaultBlue thickness == 3 strokeDashArray == nil |
color == Colors.defaultRed thickness == 3 strokeDashArray == [3, 3] |
Finance SDK contains 14 built-in studies, available out of the box. There is on special PriceSeriesStudy
that displays candlesticks and volume bars. Others represent technical indicators from the world's most famous TA-Lib (Technical Analysis) Library. Here are all of them with some images:
PriceSeriesStudy | ADXStudy |
ATRStudy | BBandsStudy |
CCIStudy | EMAStudy |
HT_TrendlineStudy | MacdStudy |
OBVStudy | RSIStudy |
SARStudy | SMAStudy |
STDDevStudy | StochStudy |
There are a few built-in FinanceSeries types that are responsible for a visual representation of your data on the chart.
NOTE: FinanceSeries corresponds to the SciChart RenderableSeries. For more details, please read the RenderableSeries API article in the SciChart iOS documentation
Each of them has its editable properties, like stroke, fill, opacity, etc. Also, it has its tooltip and Info provider, which is responsible for providing data for your tooltips, legend, etc.
NOTE: For more info, please refer to the Tooltips Customization documentation.
Each of our Studies uses one or few FinanceSeries to visualize prices or TA-lib indicators outputs. Here you can see their usage:
CandlestickFinanceSeries and ColumnFinanceSeries | BandFinanceSeries |
LineFinanceSeries | HistogramFinanceSeries |
NOTE: Please refer to Modify Study Properties section for more details.
Pane is an object that holds a chart, legend, and all other subviews that you might want to place on top of the chart. Also, it is responsible for chart resizing.
has an IPaneFactory
object, responsible for creating panes. There is one concrete implementation, called DefaultPaneFactory
which creates two types of panes - DefaultPane
and MainPane
. This factory is responsible for creating Chart modifiers - objects, that can be added to a chart to give it a certain behavior, like zooming, panning operations, tooltips, legends, selection of points or lines, etc. There are many different ChartModifiers provided by SciChart, so you might wanna take a look at the Chart Modifier APIs article in the SciChart iOS Documentation for more details.
Here you can take a quick look at how they work:
ZoomPanModifier | PinchZoomModifier |
SeriesValueModifier | DoubleTapGestureModifier |
YAxisDragModifier | XRangeModifier |
CrosshairModifier | StudyLegend |
Our built-in panes know how to resize. Assuming, you have more than one pane, you can tap between panes and drag to resize:
and DataManager
are objects that simplify data manipulation in your app.
is responsible for storing data and accessing it by the DataSourceId
. First, you register your ID, then put some values under it. Later, you can access those values where needed.
is responsible for adding candlesticks. It has xValues, openValues, highValues, lowValues, closeValues and volumeValues along with corresponding id's that you can use to get access to those values later.
Let's take a look, at how the data flow works on the RSIStudy
- At the beginning, create a
instance and set it toSciFinanceChart.candleDataProvider
registers all candlesticks IDs in theDataManager
and stores corresponding values under the hood.
let chart = SciFinanceChart()
let candleDataProvider = DefaultCandleDataProvider()
chart.candleDataProvider = candleDataProvider
- Then, use dataProvider to fill the data manager with some candles:
// Assume you get some candles from a server
for candlestick in candles {
- When we create our Studies, we specify Values ID's, that we will need to get access to. Since
need xValues and close values we pass as a constructor parameters corresponding IDs, that have been registered previously in ourDefaultCandleDataProvider
- DataSourceId(id: "xValues") and DataSourceId(id: "close"):
class RSIStudy: CandleStudyBase {
pane: PaneId,
id: StudyId = StudyId.uniqueId(name: "RSI"),
xValuesId: DataSourceId = DataSourceId(id: "xValues"),
yValuesId: DataSourceId = DataSourceId(id: "close")
) {
- Next we send yValuesId to the
. It gets yValues from theDataManager
and uses it to perform RSI calculations. When the job is done it saves the outputValues to the data manager under specific rsiOutputId. Here is how it looks in code in short form:
// create rsiIndicator with yValuesId and rsiOutputId
let rsiIndicator = TALibIndicatorProvider.RSIIndicator(period: defaultPeriod, inputId: yValuesId, outputId: rsiOutputId)
// register outputValues under yValuesId in DataManager
dataManager.registerYValuesSource(id: rsiOutputId, values: outputValues)
// calculate RSI and write computed values to the outputValues
TA_RSI(startIndex, endIndex, inputValuesPointer, TA_Integer(period.value), &outStartIndex, &outCount, outputValuesPointer)
- In order to send RSI values to the chart we create a
with our xValuesId and rsiOutputId alongside with other parameters. FinanceSeries gets corresponding values from the DataManager and adds it to the renderableSeries.dataSeries:
// create rsiSeries with xValuesId and rsiIndicator.outputId
let rsiSeries = LineFinanceSeries(name:, xValues: xValuesId, yValues: rsiIndicator.outputId yAxisId: self.yAxisId)
// get values from the DataManager
let xValues = dataManager.getXValues(id: self.xValues.value)
let yValues = dataManager.getYValues(id: self.yValues.value)
// Add values to the dataSeries
dataSeries.append(x: xValues, y: yValues)
That's it. The rest is handled by the SciChart library and finally, our nice blue RSI line appears on the screen:
NOTE: Most likely, you'd want to display some real-time data, coming from the WebSocket. To see it in action, please try our SciTrader iOS and Android app.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at LICENSE file or
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
This license requires specifying SciChart as the product creator. You shall add the "attribution notice" from the NOTICE file and a link to to the page of your website or mobile application that is available to your users. As thanks for creating this product, we'd be grateful if you add it in a prominent place.