GraphQL server built on top of ExpressJS with support for Cookies, CORS and other useful stuff
QReactor is a library that combines the capabilities of ExpressJS and GraphQL. With the help of decorators, you can configure separate Express controllers and separate ones for GraphQL.
Cookies and CORS are already included in the "configuration" of the server. You can also add your middleware using the use
method, as in Express.
Here is an example of how to run a small server with GraphQL:
# user.gql
type Query {
searchUser(name: String!): UserSearchResponse!
type User {
id: ID!,
name: String!,
online: Boolean!
type UserSearchResponse {
result: User,
error: String
// controller.ts (for example)
import { QLController, QLResolve } from '@7y1o/qreactor';
// Creating a new class with resolvers:
@QLController('src/schemas/user.gql', { path: '/api/user' })
class UserController {
searchUser({name}, {req}) {
if (!req.cookies['x-access-token']) return {
error: 'err_no_token'
// ... some search ...
return { user };
export default UserController;
// main.ts
import QReactor from '@7y1o/qreactor';
import UserController from './controller';
const server = new QReactor({
port: 7910
// Now we need to register our controller
server.ql(UserController); // In this method, you can specify
//multiple controllers separated by commas
// controller.ts
import {Controller, Get, Post} from '@7y1o/qreactor';
@Controller('/hello') // you can leave empty brackets here
class GreetsController {
basicGreets(_, res) {
return res.send('<h1>Hello! Glad to see you!</h1>');
sendGreets(req, res) {
return res.send(`<h1>Hello, ${}! Glad to see you!</h1>`);
export default GreetsController;
// main.ts
import QReactor from '@7y1o/qreactor';
import GreetsController from './controller';
const server = new QReactor({
cors: {
origin: '*'
// controller.ts
import {Controller, Post, Middleware} from '@7y1o/qreactor';
const testMiddle = (req, res, next) => {
res.send('sent from middleware');
class IdentityController {
// IMPORTANT! Write @Middleware over method decorator
signIn(req, res) { =; => res.send('Hello, ' +;
export default IdentityController;
// main.ts
import QReactor from '@7y1o/qreactor';
import IdentityController from './controller';
const server = new QReactor({
session: {
secret: 'verysecretcode',
name: 'access-token'
- — Add
decorator for using middlewares - — Add databases support
- — Add GraphQL schema generator with decorators
- — Add async preinitialize function for other libraries preparation (like mongoose or sqlite)
- — Add log for debug and errors
- — Make more strong types support
- — Add request fields validator
- — Optimize methods
- — Add more tests for better library stability
- — Fix the types of the GraphiQL field (in @QLController) for its correct operation
- — Fix some bugs with queries and mutations
nothing is here
- — Express server
- — Express controllers
- — GralhQL controllers
- — Middleware decorator for express controller
Full change log you can see on this page